In my last video I explained to you guys Exactly how to set up a PayPal account That works in Nigeria and all the other Countries where PayPal is not allowed a Lot of you guys have watched that video You've actually taken action and you Have made money in your PayPal account So a lot of you guys go back to me and You were like Gerard how do I withdraw This money so if you're not new on this Channel you will know that what I do is To find out what works then I come right Here and show you guys exactly what I've Done so in today's video I'm going to be Showing you guys exactly how to change Your PayPal funds and your payoneer Funds into naira if you live right here In Nigeria so so the monies that you've Gotten inside your PayPal account or Your P or your payoneer account you want To change it to a naira I'm going to be Showing you guys exactly how to do that In today's video so it's important that You stay with me from beginning to the Very end of this video as I'm going to Be leaving those Stone on tone I would Have made this video a very long time Ago right but I just want to test this Out and make sure that it works before I Introduce you to you guys so what has Happened is a lot of you guys who Contacted me especially on Instagram and Said Gerald I need to change my phones On PayPal into naira so I referred them
To this particular platform that I'm Going to be showing you guys right now And a lot of you guys came back with Testimony this is not a sponsored video I'm doing this out of my own volition Because this platform is actually very Trustworthy and a lot of my students Have tried it and they have always come Back with testimonies so if you have Money in PayPal and you want to change It to naira now this is exactly where to Go I'm gonna go to my phone right now And go on Instagram and search for Swift X dot NG right I'm gonna search from and this particular platform What you need to do right now is to Click on message right here and send Them a message that you actually want You have funds in PayPal and you want to Convert it to naira and they'll pick it Up from there so um here's the drill if I come down if I come down a bit you're Gonna be if I go to their page their Paint is right now you see just a tip For new customers there is always no Point in asking a business how I how do I know you are legit it's a useless Actually actually I agree with this of Course anyone would always say yes we Are getting it no one would ever say no We are not legit it's just common sense Do your due diligence go through the Business and see previous customer Journey Swift X exchange can exchange as
Little as 0.5 dollars or one dollar for Your piece of mind so you want to test Them out right you can actually send one Dollar to them and let them pay you First right let's say you want to change 900 you send them ten dollars I've done That actually myself on different Platforms I send ten dollars to escape Pay me I sent you dollars they pay me You know because I know that I can Actually I can I can chest twenty Dollars if they decide to run away by Twenty dollars right so you can go ahead And but I want to assure you that sweet X is actually very legit you know I've Sent people to them they've done Business with them and of course you Know every everything if people came Back with testimonies and if you look at It my screen right now I'm going to be Seeing a lot of screenshots you know From their platform so what you need to Do is to just um come to Swift shift X Right here click on message and of Course send a message to them so we have So this is they say Greetings bro one of Our customers this night actually told Us he tried our saving because of you Thanks for your condition it is much Appreciated so I send somebody to them They are the person tried it out and Actually told them that I referred them I referred him to them and of course They will go back to me to say thank you
You know You know so um yeah and I somebody was Trying to sell Pioneer phone that I sent My mail I said I got paid their phones For saying what's your rate and they Told me their rates of course the person Didn't didn't go ahead to say because I Would have referred the person to them Of course you know so if you're happy And you have funds or PayPal phone and You want to sell it you want to convert It to a local currency to cash right use Swift X Um Swift X exchange right so their International handle is Swift x dot NG You know and on their bio there is um There's a WhatsApp link on their bio This is it right here so you can go Ahead and of course Um hit on this and chat them on WhatsApp And tell them that you want you have to Sell some amounts of money I want to Change it to Nairobi give it their rate And you can do business with them rest Assured you know so I've sent people to Them they're actually actually very Legit which is why I'm I'm introducing Them to you guys so go ahead and use Swift X to change all your PayPal funds And payoneer funds to naira right here In Nigeria guys so if you want to watch My video on how to actually set up a PayPal account in the Nigeria that works This video is showing up right is going
To show you exactly how to do that guys So until I see my next video keep Winning and don't forget to check out Just love you guys bye from here guys