Freedom of Speech – Does Your Language Offend Your Clients?
Congress shall make no law… or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech… adopted on December 15, 1791. Our First Amendment gives all Americans the Right to Free Speech.
What Makes an Effective Logo?One of the most important things you can do in order to better build an awareness of your brand is to have an appealing and recognizable logo. Your logo is, in many ways, the face of your business. It’s on your business cards, your promotional materials, and maybe even tee shirts. You want people to see your logo and instantly know not only who you are, but what you do. If you can pull off something like this as a small business, you’re already a few steps ahead of your competitors. I have listed the key elements in a successful logo.
A Complete Analysis on Benefits of Market ResearchIt is a well-known fact that the most successful business is a dynamic one. Adapting to changing times, integrating latest technologies, and analysis and improvement of the product are key to ensuring that the business is always moving forward.
Promoting a Bar or Restaurant Using Flyers and Doorknob HangersFor many years, one of the most effective and proven ways of getting customers to come into a bar or a restaurant was through giving out handouts. The doorknob hangers whom you put in each home in the neighborhood and the flyers that you stuffed under the car’s windshields were once a good way of promoting your dining establishment.
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Did you have a vision when you started your business? Is your marketing plan helping that vision come to fruition? By focusing on your vision when creating and implementing your marketing plan, your prospects for success are much greater as it makes it easier to remain on course.
Being Nice Is Keeping You BrokeHow often do you have someone who sends you an email with, “I have a couple of quick questions.” As you read their questions you quickly realize it will require a fair amount of time to respond to all of them. Wanting to be polite, the temptation is for you to respond. It’s not that you shouldn’t respond, but you need to know where to draw the line.
Which Forms Of Social Media Should Product Managers Be Involved In?How many social media ecosystems are out there these days? By my count (if you still include MySpace), there are 9 big ones. As an already overworked product manager working on your product development definition this means that you’ve got an important question that you’re going to have to answer: which ones are you going to use to promote your product and which ones are you going to let fall by the wayside?