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How to Convert Prospects Who Sign Up for Preview Calls But Not the Programs

Many of our students talk about how they have large numbers of prospects who sign up for preview calls but tend to not register for the bigger program. Business owners wonder if there is a way to convert prospects like this into paying clients. Here’s what we recommend.

A Comparison of Promotional Marketing – TV, Radio, Print and Promotional Pens

In business, we’ve all heard about promotion and marketing and I bet most people could probably name one or two tools used to carry out your promotional marketing strategy with TV advertising probably coming out as the most well-known. This article talks about a variety of different types of promotion starting with TV advertising and going all the way to promotional pens.

The Cheaper Methods of Marketing Are Often the Better Ones – Branded Pens and Social Media

When it comes to running a successful business, ensuring our customers or potential customers know about what we sell and the type of product or service we provide is one of the most important things to do – if not the most important! In order to achieve this many companies, especially large companies try to overcomplicate their marketing strategies and go for the most expensive or bold type of promotion possible.

Blogging Can Boost Your Marketing

As blogging has become increasingly popular, you may have decided that because everyone else is doing it, you should have a blog too. Does this sound familiar? If you have your hand up, then I am nodding my head with you. In late 2010, when I wrote my marketing plan for 2011, I decided that the next window of opportunity for my business was blogging.

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7 Secrets of Awesome Marketing Videos

Marketing video production can seem overwhelming. However, with proper preparation, you can tackle the job and they can begin driving business for you.

The Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint Presentations

You need to have hold on your PowerPoint presentation as it is a tool to enhance your presentation and the presentation itself. Check simple PowerPoint tips that can help embellish and make your PowerPoint presentations an edifying experience – for both you and your audience.

Too Busy? Try These Tips to Streamline Your Client Retention

If you are tired of feeling guilty because you know you aren’t giving your clients the care and attention they deserve, take the time to create a plan to recognize and appreciate them. Figure out how to execute it consistently and enlist help where necessary. The return on investment will be seen in happy customers who stay with you longer and invest more money in your services.

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