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Holiday-Themed Custom Lapel Pins Make Your Independence Day Celebration a Hit

Lapel pins make for wonderful promotional items during the 4th of July celebrations. For retailers, festivals and more, you can spread the word affordably with custom designs.

The Power of Trade Show SWAG: The Thinking or Lack of It of Trade Show Giveaways

SWAG or trade show giveaways can aid in getting attendees to stop by your booth and initiate discussions, but the main purpose is to remind attendees about your booth and product/service after the show. Some over-think it while some pay no attention to it at all. Here are the most common groups with regard to choosing a giveaway and tips to more effectively use the power of SWAG.

Developing a Program to Sell Promotional Products

If you are in the business of selling marketing services, promotional products should be a key element to the offerings you provide your clients. Items such as embroidered apparel, T-shirts, and custom imprinted giveaways like pens and magnets fall under this category. Developing a program with your client to decide upon the best way to spend their marketing dollars will take a little bit of research on your part, but could in turn be a profitable arrangement for both sides of the deal.

Resistance to Change – Why It’s Time to Start Saying “Yes”

On occasion, clients tell me they have resistance to change. This holds them back from taking steps that would help them market their businesses better, grow faster and experience greater success.

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Tips on Local Marketing For Dentists

During this period of economic turmoil, it is important for any small business to be able to continue to attract new customers and to retain the old ones. Even the owners of dental surgeries have been feeling the pinch, as many people have been scrimping on their dental care costs by visiting the dentist less often than they should. However, it is still very important that people visit the dentist regularly, because, as far as the teeth are concerned, it is very important to catch any problems as early as possible, before they become any worse (and therefore more painful, and even more costly for the patient to have fixed).

Five Ways To Get Unstuck!

“I’ve done everything I can to grow my business! I don’t know what else to do.” Have you ever felt that way, especially as the summer months loom ahead?

They Want You

Do you consider the idea that your clients want you to help them solve problems? They want you to reach out and find out about their needs. However, We think that our clients are happy with what we’ve done for them.

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