I Surprised My Mom With Her Dream Car..

Doing Meaningful Market Research

You need to conduct meaningful market research for your idea within your target market. Your results need to show how people compare your product to others, what price they think is fair, what product features they like, which they don’t and what features they think you should add to your idea. How you do this can vary tremendously but common forms of research are focus groups, surveys and interviews.

Why Product Managers Should Move Slowly

Just exactly what a product manager does during the average day can vary from product manager to product manager. However, there is one thing that all of us do each and every day: make decisions. Sometimes we make good decisions, sometimes not so good decisions. As product managers we’d all like to find a way to make more good decisions (and we’d like to find a way to put this on our product manager resume!) The good news is that this is actually easy to do.

Selling Promotional Products – Ad Specialties

There are marketing and distribution firms that sell promotional products, or ad specialties, everywhere. These include anything you might get as a giveaway, from bobble head dolls to pens to very high tech and innovative products. Since companies will buy quite expensive items to give to customers, and cereal companies, non-profit charities and major credit card companies often give a promotional item away in a mailing, or as an incentive to purchase a specific product, the promotional products market can be quite lucrative for manufacturers that have an in-demand product.

The Power of the Accent: One of Many Reasons Why Outsourcing Is Strong in the Philippines

Strangely enough, for people in the US, in the UK or in Australia calling the customer care hotline, they immediately know that who they are talking to is not a fellow American, Brit or Aussie. Without a doubt, they know for a fact that the person they are speaking to is a Filipino. And they don’t mind it at all.

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Tips for Driving Traffic to Your ECommerce Website With SEO

Many ecommerce websites are built in a hurry and vendors quickly get overwhelmed at adding new products, photos, product descriptions and filling orders. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) seems to take a back seat. If you want to sell online, you need to rank on Google for the products you’re selling. There are some key things you need to do to make your site more search engine friendly.

Celebrating Failure

Does the fear of failure ever hold you back? Have YOU ever talked YOU out of doing something YOU wanted to do – because you feared failure? You’re not alone. This is almost a phenomenon among women entrepreneurs.

Marketing Is A Four-Letter Word

Shifting how you feel, what you expect and 100% honoring your values when you market is going to change how many ideal customers say yes to buying from you each year. Good marketing isn’t about quantity; it’s about creating heartfelt relationships with your tribe. People say yes because they get the value of what you offer. And they can only understand the value when you feel strongly about what you offer and communicate that while standing in your power (with love, of course!).

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