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How to Structure Your Programs and Sell Your Top Packages

To attract clients, I recommend putting together three different packages. 1. A premium program offering the best value with a less expensive price per session. 2. A mid range program. 3. A low -end option that reduces the barrier to entry.

The Easiest Way To Have Success Marketing Online

Looking to change the future of your business with a couple simple little steps? Let me show you a way to change the face of your business.

5 Local Event Marketing Ideas for Fitness, Health and Wellness Businesses

Local event marketing for fitness, health and wellness businesses. Article discusses sponsoring an event, hosting a networking event, partnering with a nonprofit organization and more.

First Things for Small Business Event Marketing

The beginning is a critical time in event marketing. We are motivated and moved to make something happen from bringing people together for brand awareness and lead generation. Without question, this is the time to put together a few major pieces that will make the event process move smoothly. If done quickly, it can make the event better or more realistic for the hosts. These items are 1) defining the objective of the event, 2) who is going to make it happen, the decision maker/lead of the event, 3) what is it going to take to be a great event?

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What Kind of Results Can I Expect From Implementing a Marketing Plan?

Start-ups and small businesses need to understand how different solutions are going to help their business in order for them to make an informed decision on whether to implement that solution into their business plan. As a home-based or new business owner, you may be asking yourself “what is the benefit of a marketing plan?”

Text Analytics for Your Consumer Research

Data analytics has become one of the most important tools in marketing research, more specifically because of text analytics. Text analytics has helped many organizations and businesses in making strong and sound decisions.

The Solutions Business Can’t Afford to Omit

When starting a new company, everyone has dreams of what the business will be like when it is successful. When you are a start-up, you understand that there are some things you would love to have but can’t afford. When it comes to marketing, however, there are certain aspects that you can’t scrimp on or remove entirely from your business plan.

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