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Do I Really Need a Landing Page?

A landing page is a webpage that you land on after clicking on a hyperlink. However, the definition goes a little deeper when discussing landing pages as a marketing tool.

The Many Ways to Write a Great Call-To-Action

If you sit down to write a call-to-action (CTA) and you expect it to be a piece of cake, you may be mistaken. There is an art to writing an effective CTA and you probably will not be able to just whip it off in a second, at least not the final draft.

How Often Should I Blog? (The Answer May Surprise You)

To make your blog effective as a marketing tool, there are several factors to consider. Frequency, consistency, and value all come into play.

Engage And Interact With The Target Audience With A Well-Organized Event

Based on the requirements in terms of marketing, you can share inputs and ideas with the agency and then give it the freedom to plan the event, finalize the list of guests, arrange of foods and everything that make the occasion special in the real sense. This is how events prove very beneficial in helping brands make a rapid stride towards achieving their goals in the market.

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Millennials and the Social Business of Today

Millennials are a more tech savvy generation. Using technology to collect and build data sets to better understand customers and competitors may allow a business to tailor specific marketing campaigns and product launches, but it is not engagement, and that is what social business is all about.

How To 3x Your Consulting Leads

Many consultants still heavily rely on referrals, but this is dependent on the size and quality of your network, is labour intensive and inconsistent. Combine this with the ease that buyers can search online and locate hundreds of qualified consultants in the same state, you’re facing tough competition to stand out.

36 Marketing Ideas for a Tiny Budget

Marketing on a small budget is tough, but not impossible. There are plenty of creative, low-cost ways to promote your small business without breaking the budget. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most effective. I’ve gathered 36 small business marketing ideas to spark your creativity, all you need to do is set aside some time and get planning!

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