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Google It

It’s not difficult to find reasons to heap praise upon Google’s assent and reign as one of the world’s preeminent innovation companies. Their tactics – get the marketers and creatives upstream into product development, get out of the way of the product and always look for opportunities to celebrate real human behavior – are simple lessons for all.

4 Steps to Find the Best Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Hiring a virtual assistant (VA) to help you handle tasks that you can delegate is one the best ways to be able to grow your business. Taking this step frees up your time to focus on what you do best and attract more clients. But how do you choose the right VA?

What Is Marketing Strategy For Legal Firms?

What is the best marketing strategy for law firms today? It doesn’t take a lot of marketing savvy to come up with the basic strategies that just about every law firm uses: put up a website, get listed in popular business directories, publish content on social networks, build a mailing list, and get involved in the community. However, the campaigns that get the best results and place the firm at a strategic advantage don’t rely on any single marketing forum. Instead it takes one unique statement to cut through the clutter in the marketplace. To find out how to leverage that one vital piece of information, read on…

Social Media – The Future of Medical Marketing!

A pharmaceutical firm is always concerned about its brand. One needs to know where the brand stands in the market. Do you want to know what people are speaking about your brand?

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All About the E-Patient Revolution

The growth in information technology has sparked various revolutions. It has led to breakthrough advances in the field of medicine and available treatment options. Patients are now demanding better services as well as hold an expectancy of being a part of the decision making process concerning their health.

How to Overcome Your Fears and Self Sabotage

Could you be experiencing self sabotage? Sometimes as a new business owner gets clear about what they offer and their marketing message, good things start to happen. But then, you might hit a bump in the road where resistance shows up. For example, you might meet prospects who are excited to work with you, but they don’t become clients for a variety of reasons.

Are You Executing a Modern Direct Mail Campaign?

How do you know if you’re running a “modern” direct mail campaign? Direct mail advertising has been around for about as long as we’ve been mailing letters, but the medium has been constantly evolving in order to remain relevant and successful. But the question remains- Are you running a modern direct mail campaign?

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