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Marketing Alchemy: 3 Ways To Turn Marketing Expenses Into Profit Centers

Are you tired of writing checks for advertising and promotion expenses, month after month, and feeling like you have nothing to show for it? Learn 3 ways that you can turn your advertising and promotion activities into profitable assets, shift from marketing expenses to income, and begin to think of your marketing activities as a profit center instead.

Advertising Is Art: Jean-Paul Goude

Advertising is without doubt an art form. It can nurture interest, however superficial, in new movements in art and design, bringing these to the attention of huge audiences.

Pillar 1 of Connection Marketing: The Story & Contribution

We are talking about connection marketing of course… A connection marketing framework. There are three pillars. This is the first. I call it the ‘Story & Contribution’. These are very important things, very simple things that you can start implementing into your marketing right now and start seeing great results.

Give Your Brand A Winning Personality

A strong personality that immediately identifies a business can be a strong competitive edge for a company. A company without a visible personality can find itself in the background without a strong competitive edge. Learn how you can give your brand a winning personality.

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5 Ideas You Can Use To Promote Your Brand Effectively

One of the 3 “Ps” of authority brand positioning is Promotion, which involves deciding what messages to use to support your brand as well as how those messages will be delivered. Promoting your brand involves creating brand awareness, influencing the perception of your brand, and managing brand reputation. Here are 5 ideas you can use to promote your brand effectively.

Crank Up the Heat: Traffic Temperature 101

We all know that in marketing, we have the best chance of success when we can put the right message, in front of the right audience at the right time. Understanding traffic temperature will help us craft that perfect message.

How to Attract Your Perfect Customers on Autopilot

So whether you use infusionsoft, mailchimp, aweber or any of the 1000 other autoresponder software programs out there, the key is that we want to use a system that can do two things; Store contact data, Automatically send out messages – Because there are so many different email platforms out there and they all use slightly different language, I want to talk about the basic functionality of the email system and come up with some common terminology to make sure were all on the same page.

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