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Are You Ignoring Marketing to Those Who Have Needed You for Years?

Let’s face it, people become dissatisfied and switch who serves them all the time from car dealerships to insurers to assisted living providers. It is what it is, and in a capitalist society it is by no means immoral to know and work within that reality and allow it to benefit us.

Find Your People Online and Prosper

When you really break the internet down into basic principles, it’s fundamentally about “information sharing” and “connection”. With this in mind, there are all kinds of platforms out there that allow you to share your content and, equally as importantly, target who you share it with.

So You Need to Promote Your Product?

You’ve made a new product- hooray! But how can you get people to buy it? Here are some tips for ways to get the word out and how to make sure your customers are satisfied.

The Benefits Behind Cause Marketing

For-profit businesses and organizations find ways to support a nonprofit organization beyond the much-anticipated philanthropic donations. Marketing efforts by a business to help raise awareness about their chosen nonprofit organization, will inevitably help to generate donations for the mission of the nonprofit. This type of marketing is known as Cause Marketing.

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How To Get More Referrals Fast

This article will show you how to improve your referral rate in an easy to implement system. Referrals are the lifeblood of many businesses (including mine). The fact that referrals already have a certain amount of trust and respect for you, and the fact that they come to you instead of you having to chase them makes them very valuable.

Your Business and B2B Marketplace – Buy, Sell, Promote

B2B Marketplaces are the present, and also the future. More and more businesses understand the benefits of exploring this medium, but unlike the traditional marketing platforms, increase in the number of players will not diminish the demand. Your next trade partner could be next door or typing away from Alaska- you can find them all on a good b2b marketplace. Hitch your ride today!

What Igor Ansoff Has To Do With Your Recruitment Marketing

I know this might seem like a strange one especially if you have no idea who Igor Ansoff is. Let me explain more. I am lucky enough to be doing a job I love and getting paid for it.

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