Out-Of-Home Medical Marketing – A New Revolution
‘Out-of-home medical marketing’ is the latest way to showcase your products. It is the best tool for designing an effective medical communication strategy. Just as the name suggests, it relates to every form of marketing that the target consumer comes across when he or she is “on the go”.
A Candy Bar Teaches Product Managers Lessons About Redesigning Product PackagingImagine for just a moment that you were the product manager who was in charge of a candy bar. Let’s say that that candy bar had been invented a long time ago, say 1920 or so, and its packaging was starting to look old. This was never part of your product development definition. How would you go about updating your product’s “look”?
Meet Them Where They AreSalespeople are as individual as snowflakes. The way they communicate, sell, and build relationships is equally unique. If you want to lead them, you have to meet them where they are.
Now What?Have you ever walked out of a sales meeting feeling that it went really well? You had a great conversation, they seemed very interested. However, afterwards you couldn’t get the prospect to return your phone call? It leaves you scratching your head and wondering what’s going on.
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An important part of client attraction involves knowing how to make your current clients feel special. There’s a concept I really like by Joe Polish and Dean Jackson, my friends and brilliant marketers. They think beyond attracting clients to keeping your current clients happy and then staying in touch after your work has been completed.
Lessons From Gmail – 3 Tips to Improve Your Email Best PracticesIf you haven’t heard by now, Gmail is rolling out a major change to how its users receive emails. Basically, Gmail will be sorting emails for their users and putting them in folders for them. Why would Gmail be doing this? I suspect at least part of the reason is because a common complaint from people who have an email address is “too much email.” Read on to learn how Gmail’s new practice could improve the way you currently use email in your marketing.
Take The Guesswork Out Of Business Ownership and MarketingThis article addresses key ways business owners and their marketing team can identify what challenge their product or service is the answer to, what customers have the problem, and how customers make their decisions to buy. The article helps business owners and marketing teams to put proper systems in place to assure that they are reaching the right target audience and building successful marketing campaigns.