Make Money With ClickBank Without A Website (Underground Strategy)

Prepare for Successful PPC Campaigns Before You Pay for a Single Click

As a PPC management company, we are often called upon to “fix” PPC campaigns that are not performing at an acceptable level (or are not performing, period). What we often discover is that these campaigns cannot be “tweaked” into success, because they were not built on a solid foundation from the outset.

Referral Marketing: Using Consumable Gifts to Encourage More Referrals

To encourage more referrals, give a consumable thank-you gift. Consumable gifts give the referrer a reason to send more referrals. Long-lasting gifts can’t be given repeatedly, so they don’t give people an incentive to send more referrals.

“It’s Like Rubbing Honey Into Keira Knightley!” – How to Use Irresistible Metaphors to Sell More

How to use irresistible metaphors to sell more effectively. All features and benefits being equal, a good metaphor may steal the heart.

Marketing Materials Need Flawless Grammar

Marketing materials must not only look fantastic, but also the phrases and sentences must be perfectly constructed and correctly punctuated resulting in a sleek and professional finish. Marketing materials with poor grammar will fail to impress potential clients and may well drive them into the arms of a competitor who has taken more time and put forth more effort to ensure the marketing material is completely flawless.

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What To Do When Customers Go “Missing In Action”

If you had to guess, what would you think the top four reasons are for customers not returning to a business? (Hint: price isn’t one of them).

7 Pillars of SaaS Marketing

SaaS marketing is a tricky arena and one that is often very difficult to implement successfully. There are many ways to make horrible mistakes in this science and several facets that must be looked at closely in order to avoid costly calamities.

8 Direct Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

No matter what industry you are in, no matter what media you use to market your business, these 8 do’s and don’t are what I have found create the biggest impact to my marketing results. #1 Do Develop A Clear Mental Picture Of Your Target Prospect It’s not good enough to create a marketing campaign with just a fair idea of who you are talking to. Researching exactly who you plan to sell to is the most important thing a business can do.

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