Making Money From Your Blog with Google AdSense and Amazon Associates – #21 – From $0 to $2K


Using Emotion in Marketing Communications

Great marketing seeks to tug at the emotional strings of the audience. Because if you can get them to think about things that trigger emotions – like happiness, longing, their sense of loss and more, you can also trigger them to answer your call to action.

Your Ultimate Guide and 11-Point Checklist to Building a Massive Email List

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Discover how to build a massive email database with these 11 point checklist. Learn how to capture email addresses of prospects and build a relationship with them.

Your 5-Point Formula to Creating High Quality Content That Converts

Discover how to create a lead magnet. Lead magnets will help you acquire new customers.

Movement Marketing: Build a Successful Business

This article is all about Movement Marketing. I share marketing ideas designed to help you and your business succeed.

3 Reasons Why I Hit DELETE Instead of READING ON

When I get an e-mail, request, invitation, social media inquiry, or a host of other things, what causes me to simply hit the DELETE key rather than reading on? There are THREE MAIN REASONS I find in talking to most people as well as my own actions… I think you will be able to relate to one or more of these yourself. 1. TIME… I READ ON when you either save me or not waste my most valuable asset today… TIME (over 70% according to a recent Forrester Research report). 2. RELEVANCE… My second most important criteria is whether this is something that will HELP ME in some way or IMPROVE MY LIFE. 3. RECOMMENDATION… This has become the most powerful means by which we do filtering after I have made it past #1 an #2 above… does someone I TRUST recommend this or not. If you focus on these three areas, you can’t go wrong. Your audience will give you high percentages of both reading and sharing… they will READ ON.

How To Make Your Potential Clients Like You Without Having To Answer The Phone

Any salesman will tell you: the key to making a sale is to make the customer happy. Well, when you are an attorney, potential new clients that are calling you need to feel a sense of either happiness or hopefulness that you…

Determining What Your Target Audience Wants and Needs

When it comes to your target audience members, it is not always easy to determine exactly what they want and need. However, you probably agree that it must always be your main focus. Your needs (as a business owner) should come second to what the other person wants and needs.

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