My Experience Buying 4 Rental Properties (yikes)

How to Manage the Room at Your Live Events and Signature Talks

Recently, one of my students asked me a really good question about how to deal with “know-it-alls” who attend your live events. When you get a heckler in the audience or someone who dominates with too many questions, it can be very disconcerting. This and other situations can arise that require you to step up and really manage the room.

Ten Reasons to Develop a Mobile App for Your Business

Top of mind. Mobile apps are effective marketing tools because of their interactive nature, usefulness and the likelihood that they’ll be seen on a daily basis. Few products match the frequency of exposure mobile apps provide, given that most people check their phones/mobile devices dozens of times a day, 365 days a year.

The Importance of the Internet for Business Strategy Development

Digital Marketing for businesses is a perfect solution for growth, visibility, and improved rapport with the customers [from both a Business to Business and Business to Consumer perspective]. This is a great way for a business to get itself out there [outbound marketing], to get information [market research], and to have a larger following, and all with relative ease.

Difference Between Inbound Marketing And Outbound Marketing

Today’s consumer is much more informed and knowledgeable about the products and the brands that he/she would like to opt for. Therefore, as a brand, one has to be seen in the right places at the right time in order to be registered in an optimistic way in the minds of the consumers.

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Baby Come Back! 3 Steps to Bringing Back Former Clients

Someone who has done business with you is more likely to buy from you again. If you aren’t keeping in touch with former clients, you are missing a huge opportunity. Being proactive with former clients increases the odds that they will do business with you again. Reactivation is a quicker way to make more cash than wooing brand new clients.

The Power of Brand Identity – Who Are You?

What makes your company what it is and what characteristics make it unique? Is it creativity, expertise or adventure? There is an array of possibilities.

Seven Ways to Attract More Diversity in Ballroom Dancing for More Profitability

Do you want to separate yourself from other dance studios in your area? Dance studio owners and other dance managers will learn how to tap the fastest growing minority segment in the country. They will gain more profitability in the process.

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