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Marketing Medical Staffing Tips You Desperately Need To Know

Finding clients for my staffing agency is a topic that continuously comes up when I am helping new or existing staffing agencies. What actions or steps do I take to find the best clients opportunities? This is a fundamental challenge for staffing agencies deciding who or what to do to find business for your staffing agency.

Business Planning – Do You Make These 5 Marketing Mistakes?

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What is the one thing every business wants more of? Money! Are you struggling with how to take your business to the next level? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a stagnant place and are unsure of what actions to take to grow? You are not alone! As a business owner, you are busy constantly. There is not enough time in the day for everything. Making mistakes with your marketing efforts can only magnify some of your struggles. Read this to figure out if you are you making these 5 costly marketing mistakes.

There’s a “Right” Message for Each Market Segment

Every market segment has messages, wording, and phrases that are hot-buttons to those you want to reach. Use the right terms, they’ll read it and respond. Use the wrong ones and they’ll ignore you.

Business Intelligence: Leading the Way to New Digital Opportunities

How can you make the right and most efficient decision when identifying better solutions to improve on and apply to the overall performance of your organization? Data mining, collecting and processing analytics, queries and reporting are all elements related to the discipline of business intelligence (BI).

Five Ways Audience Definition Will Help You Grow Your Business

Audience definition is a game-changer for those of us steeped in the world of building a brand, communicating a message, and trying to reach people. In order to run a successful business, it is imperative to know whom it is you are trying to reach. This should go beyond the standard age, sex, location. This practice of identifying the best customer or best patient or best consumer for a business involves a good amount of research and an algorithm with a history of success. This can be an invaluable resource. Just take a look at the what the practice of audience definition can allow you to do:

Marketing Your Hotel As a Conference Location Hot Spot

In addition to the vacationers and business travelers that stay at your hotel, there is another audience you should be marketing to that could equal big business for your company. This audience is the conference and corporate meeting industry. If you aren’t already capitalizing on the industry, and you have the capabilities to hold corporate meetings or conferences, your business is missing out.

Creating a Consistent Brand Identity

There are so many new buzz words these days it’s hard to keep up. One of the new words is ‘brand identity’. It’s more than just your typical buzzword though, you need to know what it means and what you as a business needs to do about it.

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