White Papers are Not Dead – They’re on Life Support
The original purpose of white papers was to produce objective information, packaged as quasi-academic research, that might validate a company’s or product’s value proposition. But abuse of white papers by marketers — converting objective content into advertising — threatens to kill what had been a viable thought leadership tactic.
The Truth About Newsletter MarketingNewsletters offer you a great way to stay in touch with your customers, but do are you using them correctly? This article looks at the truth behind newsletter marketing and how they should be used to promote your business.
Essential Marketing Tips For Small BusinessIt has been said on many occasions that if you are not marketing, then you are not in business. These days it is not sufficient to have just a shopfront and a flashy sign to attract customers. And if you are selling online, it is not all about a professional looking website loaded up with graphics and new products. You need to create an image that your visitor finds interesting and believable… and that’s after they have found you.
What Are The Hallmarks Of Successful Omnichannel Marketing?Omnichannel Marketing becomes a piece of cake for all kind of business. Customers of today are much more aware of products, brand conscious, price wary than ever before. To cater to such complex set of customers.
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One of the most difficult challenges that school owners face in growing a school is getting a constant flow of new students. This article describes some strategies and tactics that are low cost that any owner can use to get more students.
Check Out How Marketing Automation Tools Can Help Your Staffing Business Grow!Staffing professionals are always busy with placement tasks, leaving little time for marketing to expand business opportunities. This is especially true for small businesses whereas everyone usually has to “pitch-in” with other departments and tasks. Marketing automation software is an option that may be considered by staffing firms when they are looking to make a big marketing impact.
Building Trust: You Have Your List, Now What?If you have just started to build your list, you are no doubt excited that you are starting to attract people that are interested in what you have to say. But now that you have a list, now what? This article will tell you the very next step you need to take so that you can get your list to buy from you.