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Coffee Get-Together Time Trap

If you are new to sales or networking, you are probably stressed out over making sure that your calendar is full of appointments. As a Sales Manager, I pay particular attention to the appointments my agents set for coffee with someone they just met at a recent networking event. The infamous “Coffee Get Together” meetings are often diamond in the rough opportunities that can turn into time traps if not properly planned for.

The Key to Creating a Winning Homepage Video

Having a video on your homepage brings your connection with visitors to another level so you can attract clients more easily. When prospects come to your site and click on the video, they get to see who you are, which is huge. As you know people do business with people they know, like and trust. Video facilitates the start of a relationship.

Swing Trading Strategies and Its Added Benefits in Stock Investments

There are a lot of swing trading strategies and to fix a strategy is really difficult to pick. If you are new to the trading market, you may find a lot of strategies followed by the traders.

How to Bridge the Gap Between Sales and Marketing

In the organizational structure of most businesses, there’s a marketing department and a sales department. While this separation of activities may be necessary for reporting reasons, it often leads to confusion and tension between the two. Marketing has a broad agenda in its responsibility to the business.

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Lecture Mode Vs Interactive Teleseminars? Which One Works Best?

When I first started doing teleseminars to attract clients, I would do live calls with everyone on the line being able to ask me questions. My first boot camps were structured the same way as well. This worked fine when the groups were relatively small.

Three Questions to Ask Before You Begin Your Marketing

The most effective marketing campaigns are not off-the-cuff tossed out into the market without any thought. Of course not. They are well planned and designed with both your ideal client and your “end game” in mind. This is true whether we are talking about online marketing or offline marketing. If you want to improve your marketing efforts, ask yourself these three questions before you map out your campaigns for the year…

The Unconventional Approach To Getting People’s Attention

Everyone is bombarded with ads constantly. If you want to stand out, you have to do something bold — something that pierces the cloud of advertising around your prospects and makes them take notice.

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