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Marketing Communications: There’s No Reason To Be Crass

Although society’s bar for what’s appropriate seems to drop lower every year, companies should avoid falling into the trap of using vulgar language and crass phrases. This article offers practical guidance.

10 Ways to Keep Users Engaged With Your Mobile Application

It is a fact that there are some hundreds of mobile applications in each category, where to keep your users hooked is a challenge. Let us look at some effective ways to keep users engaged to your mobile app.

How To Create a User-Centric App That Has Potential to Capture a Greater Audience

This article enumerates the chief principles that every app maker needs to follow for prioritising user-experience in their mobile applications. There are a plethora of innovative apps coming out in the market every day providing a range of services or utilities.

Is Your Business Ready For Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS, social media, and apps. In 2016, the inevitable happened, and mobile overtook desktop as the primary device used to access websites. This didn’t come as a huge surprise because, as far back as 2015, Google reported that more searches were conducted on mobiles than on any other device category.

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The 10 Most ANNOYING Marketing Buzzwords

As fellow marketers and creative professionals, let’s kindly retire (or extinguish) these irritating phrases so we can all evolve past this “noise” cluttering our industry. Are you with me?!

The Case Against Meditation – Why It’s Getting You Stuck

I used to be a big advocate of meditation – Wake up bright and early, do some meditation, a little morning ritual, just a really relaxed start… But guess what – It’s All Horse Crap!

Reach the Most Customers: Necessary Media Formats for Your Marketing Literature

To reach the highest number of customers in today’s business environment, it is critical to have multiple media formats for your marketing and business literature. This paper discusses those formats and highlights the importance of having an experienced full-service graphic design firm or individual designer that can provide them. Your business should possess a print version that can be handed out or placed in locations where potential customers will take one, an electronic version in PDF that can be posted on a website for download and printed by the customer, an image version that can be posted on sites such as Instagram or Facebook for customers to view, and an HTML version that is formatted for targeted emails to customers.

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