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3 Methods On How To Tell Your Story So People Buy

As an entrepreneur, one of the most powerful weapons you have in your marketing arsenal is your own personal story. What do I mean by this? Well, on your website, your personal story should be crafted and conveyed in such a way that it appeals to your target consumers, allows them to relate to you and your business, and prompts them to take action and purchase your product or service. Remember, products don’t sell themselves.

Multi-Channel Marketing: 5 Ways Your Small Business Can Attract New Customers

How many ways does your small business have to attract new customers? We review five marketing channels that you can implement to help your business grow.

How to Improve Customer Relationship

Customers are obviously the single most important asset for your business. No matter how great your products or services are or talented and dedicated the staff is your business will not progress unless your customers enjoy a good experience with your company. They have the ability to make or break your brand. This is why customer relationships are one of the important factors that companies cannot look over.

Affiliate Marketing Keywords

Don’t understand affiliate marketing? These definitions will help you out.

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How to Plan a Foolproof Marketing Campaign

All products and services need effective marketing in order to make a difference. Here are some steps to come up with a campaign that works.

The Emotional Side of Business!

I have shed so many tears this past month that I am honestly feeling drained. I know that being an entrepreneur is not the easiest job in the world – but I had no idea that the month of March would have been so emotional.

“You Are Not Special!” – And It’s Good For Marketing

I am a huge fan of claiming our superpowers and marketing our uniqueness as individuals, so we can fully express our value and passion in our business, while standing out from competition. However, there is ONE thing about us not being totally “unique” can work in favor of our marketing. And that is, we are human beings marketing to other human beings who share the same underlying psychological triggers and drivers.

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