The Impact of Losing My Mum on My Business: A Personal Reflection

The Impact of Losing Our Mum on Our Business: A Personal Reflection As we sit down to write this blog post, our hearts are heavy with a mix of emotions. Losing our mum was undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences we have ever faced, and its impact on our business has been profound. In this deeply personal reflection, we want to share our journey of grief, resilience, and how we navigated the intricate balance between mourning and maintaining a successful business. Join us as we open up about the impact of losing our mum on our entrepreneurial path, and the lessons we have learned along the way.


Losing a loved one is a deeply personal and emotional experience that can have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives. In this article, we want to share our personal reflection on the impact of losing our mum on our business. It has been a journey filled with challenges, growth, and the discovery of new strategies to succeed in our career. Through this experience, we have found a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the flexibility and freedom that our business offers. Join us as we reflect on this transformative journey and share the valuable lessons we have learned along the way.

Reflecting on the Impact

  1. Personal Growth and Appreciating Flexibility:
    Losing our mum forced us to take a step back and reflect on what truly matters in life. We realized the importance of personal growth and prioritizing self-care. It gave us a renewed perspective on the value of flexibility and freedom in our career. We started to appreciate the fact that we could adapt our work schedule to make time for grieving and healing, without compromising our business.

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  2. Discovering Unknown Strategies:
    Grief opened doors to undiscovered strategies for setting up powerful marketing systems. We realized the significance of creating meaningful connections with our audience, allowing us to build trust and loyalty. This newfound approach helped us attract more clients as we shared our personal journey and experiences. By offering unlimited free weekly coaching sessions, we were able to provide valuable support to others while also expanding our network.

  3. Transitioning Towards a Membership Model:
    The loss of our mum made us reevaluate our business model and assess the stability of our income. We decided to transition towards a membership model, offering exclusive access to valuable resources, support, and community for a stable and recurring income. This move not only provided us with financial stability but also offered a better work-life balance, allowing us to spend quality time with our loved ones.

  4. Less Focus on Launching New Products:
    Prior to our loss, we were always focused on launching new products and chasing constant growth. However, losing our mum made us realize the significance of consistent growth rather than constant product launches. We shifted our focus towards nurturing our existing clients, delivering exceptional service and experiences, and maintaining long-term relationships.

  5. Gratitude for the Journey:
    While grief can be overwhelming at times, it has also taught us to be grateful for the journey we have embarked upon. We have become more resilient, adapting to life’s challenges and embracing change. We appreciate the milestones we have achieved and the experiences that have shaped us as individuals and professionals.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. How did losing your mum affect your business?
    The loss of our mum had a significant impact on our business. It forced us to reflect on our priorities, reassess our business model, and discover new strategies for success.

  2. Did you face any challenges in transitioning to a membership model?
    Transitioning to a membership model was not without its challenges. However, we found that it provided us with greater stability and a better work-life balance in the long run.

  3. How did you use your personal journey to attract more clients?
    By sharing our personal journey, we were able to create meaningful connections with our audience. This helped us build trust and loyalty, ultimately attracting more clients who resonated with our story.

  4. Did you find it difficult to focus on consistent growth instead of constant product launches?
    Initially, it was challenging to shift our mindset from constant product launches to consistent growth. However, we soon realized that nurturing existing clients and building long-term relationships was more sustainable and rewarding.

  5. How has your experience with grief shaped you as individuals and professionals?
    Experiencing grief has made us more resilient and adaptable. It has taught us the importance of self-care, personal growth, and gratitude for the journey. We have become more empathetic and understanding in our interactions with clients, which has further strengthened our business.


Losing our mum was a deeply transformative experience that had a profound impact on our business. While it brought about challenges, it also led to personal growth, the discovery of new strategies, and a better understanding of our priorities. We transitioned towards a membership model for stability and a work-life balance, focused on consistent growth, and learned to appreciate the journey and adapt to life’s challenges. Through this journey, we have not only grown as individuals but also as professionals who are committed to supporting others through their own journeys of grief and personal growth.

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