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Game Changing Business Trends for 2013

We have compiled a list of game-changing trends that will have a profound impact on the way we conduct business now and in the future. Our list makes recommendations on how to define your marketing and sales strategy for the near future. The underlying trend is concentrated around the principle of cautious spending habits, new and exciting marketing demographics, and a new value proposition.

Commercial Eco Friendly Laundry Bags

Always looking for that added extra for marketing your company we can offer you an ideal way to advertise your company and ensure you get visibility in advertising that walks for you. From hotels to laundry companies we have supplied them with laundry bags ensuring their clients return time after time. Now, several years working within this industry we can offer a plethora of designs to set your business apart from your competition.

Four Ways to Keep Your Clients Happy While on Vacation

If your practice is booming, taking a well needed vacation can be difficult. This is especially true if you have lined up new clients who will have to wait to get started. Normally I recommend not working during your vacation, but sometimes you need limited availability.

Product and Marketing Strategy

How do companies develop a legitimate product marketing strategy? By developing a product and pricing strategy. Product, Pricing and Services Sales Plan – What can you do to improve the performance and marketability of you product? You will need to intellectually understand the characteristics of your product and incorporate these into your plan to develop and enhance each of these individual attributes.

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Janitorial Service Business Tips

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a big contract that was a huge source of revenue for your company? A hospital, a university, a school district?

Tips for Coming Up With an Effective Shop Window Display

If you own a retail store, then you certainly know really well that the window dressing of your shop plays an important role in the overall success of your business. As you know, your shop window display is the very first thing that your potential customers will see.

What Craft Beer Can Teach Us About Marketing a Small Business

I love craft beer. My friends and family would call it an obsession. It’s no secret around the office that I want to eventually be an entrepreneur, creating and selling my own beer for a living.

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