Are You Missing the Ladies?
Overall, your brand must leave a mark in the minds of your target audience. You must think of ways to turn your brand image into something that the ladies are going to “like” and “share” to generate plenty of buzz about your business.
Action And Accountability!“Without a vision, they will perish!” – So True. But without ACTION, the vision will stagnate (or, worse yet, frustrate the heck out of you!).
Outsourcing: How to Get Quality IT Consulting LeadsOne of the less-explored areas in the IT market is in generating IT consulting leads, particularly in terms of getting IT consultants face to face with prospective clients. But how exactly does an IT consulting firm get quality leads?
Get Clear On Your Point Of View!When you tell people what it is you ‘do’ in your business, do they understand anything you’re saying? Do YOU even know how to clearly articulate the message?
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There are a number of mobile apps in the market that became a hit instantly based on function and quality. However, there is the other side of the coin that shows some apps having less chance of penetrating the market at the very least. While it is true that having the best quality will ultimately lead you to the top of the game, your race will always start with the best and a well-thought out mobile app marketing strategy.
SMS Mobile Marketing: How to Avoid a Million Dollar MistakeIt is expected that accessing the web through smartphones will eventually out-run doing so through PCs and laptops. Why not? Almost everyone is now connected to family, friends, and the World Wide Web through their smartphones, practically to anything and anyone. So it is not so surprising at all if you see mobile marketers’ blogs claiming there was an 80% increase spent in mobile advertising alone in 2012 than that of 2011.
Mobile Apps Resellers and SEO for Successful Mobile MarketingThe implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) greatly helps in improving online marketing as well as exposure of websites. Its benefits are not limited to that, since whether you are one of many mobile apps Resellers you may also apply SEO to mobile apps. The fact is, mobile apps SEO plays a vital role in today’s market where each app store is stuffed with enumerable mobile apps.