Watch Me Make $267 In One Hour on Clickbank (Affiliate Marketing)

For GOD’s Sake, Just Try Something New!

I really admire successful people. And over the years, I’ve studied many of them, read their biographies and books and tried to emulate their strategies. These books have helped me, but it wasn’t their strategies that gave me the most valuable insights.

Is Your Business a “Service” or a “Brand”?

New cell phones were no longer compared to wired phones, but to other cell phones. And what was emphasized were all the new features of that cell phone.

Working Your Business From the Zone of Genius

In my experience, there are several more than four. The following are the ones I’m most familiar with, for myself and with client’s I’ve worked with.

The Amazing Power of Accountability

I found myself saying to Keith, “OK, I’ll go to the gym 3 times a week, starting on Friday. And since that time, almost three weeks ago, I’ve gone eight times. I do a one-hour circuit using the gym’s weight machines.

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A Guarantee: The Most Powerful Brand for Your Business

I’m currently working with a client right now who does high-end sales training. And we’re currently working on the messaging for his website. In the course of our conversations he mentioned that 82% of his clients got a 10:1 ROI on their training investment.

The Genius Formula: Plan, Promise, Schedule

The good news is that research has shown exactly what it does take to establish a new positive habit. And it’s so simple that most people have missed or disregarded it.

Stop an Addictive Habit – And Replace It With an Inspiring One

If James Clear, doesn’t float your boat, just use the search function on Medium to find articles on any topic under the sun. Just avoid the political ones! (However, even on that topic, you’ll find more interesting, thought-provoking articles than on most news sites.)

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