What’s Next After E66: Wrapping Up and Moving Forward

What’s Next After E66: Wrapping Up and Moving Forward I can’t believe it! E66 has come to an end, and what an incredible journey it has been. As I reflect on all the valuable insights and experiences gained during the past weeks, I can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. The knowledge I’ve acquired from this endeavor has truly been life-changing. But now, it’s time to look ahead and explore what comes next. The end of one chapter is merely the beginning of another, and I am excited to take the next steps on this journey. Join me as I dive into the possibilities that lie beyond E66, and discover the strategies and lessons learned that will guide me towards a successful future. Stay tuned as I share my plans, goals, and aspirations in the wake of E66. Together, let’s embrace this transformative period and embark on a new adventure filled with growth, inspiration, and personal development. Come along with me as I wrap up E66 and make bold strides towards the next exciting chapter in my life. The best is yet to come, and I can’t wait to share it all with you. So, stay tuned and let’s move forward together!

What’s Next After E66: Wrapping Up and Moving Forward


As I reflect on the success of my podcast, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead. Episode 66 marks the end of an era, but it is also the beginning of a new chapter. In this article, I will share my reflections on the podcast’s journey, discuss the upcoming plans, and provide recommendations for those who want to stay connected and continue their personal growth and financial success.

Reflecting on the Journey

It’s been an incredible journey so far. Without any promotion, the podcast has amassed over 20,000 downloads. The engagement and feedback from listeners have been phenomenal, and I am grateful for all the support. The podcast has become a platform for personal growth, financial success, and starting a coaching business.

The Success of the Podcast

I am thrilled to announce that the podcast has exceeded all expectations. It has provided in-depth knowledge and actionable strategies on starting a coaching business and making $120k part-time. The success stories shared by our listeners have inspired many others to follow their dreams and achieve financial independence.

Wrapping Up Season One

With Episode 66, we conclude Season One of the podcast. It gives me immense joy to see the impact we have made together. But rest assured, this is not the end. Season Two will be returning in 2023, packed with even more valuable insights, expert interviews, and success stories.

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The Next Steps

While Season Two is on hold, I recommend going over the podcast episodes you may have missed. Our previous episodes contain golden nuggets of wisdom that can propel you towards success. Additionally, don’t forget to join our free weekly coaching calls, where we dive deeper into the topics discussed on the podcast.

Opportunities Beyond the Podcast

As we take a break between seasons, I will be exploring new avenues for growth and learning. One platform that has caught my attention is TikTok. The short-form videos on TikTok provide an excellent opportunity to share bite-sized content and engage with a wider audience. I invite you to join me on this journey as we experiment and learn new things together.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How can I access the previous podcast episodes?

    • You can find all the previous episodes on our website or your favorite podcasting platform.
  2. Are the coaching calls open to everyone?

    • Yes, the coaching calls are open to all listeners. The purpose of these calls is to provide additional support and guidance to help you on your journey.
  3. When will Season Two of the podcast return?

    • Season Two will be returning in 2023. Stay tuned for updates and announcements.
  4. What topics can I expect in Season Two?

    • In Season Two, we will continue to explore the realms of personal growth, financial success, and starting a coaching business. We will have more expert interviews, success stories, and actionable strategies to share.
  5. How can I keep up with your new content on TikTok?

    • You can follow me on TikTok to receive updates on new content. I will be sharing valuable insights and tips in bite-sized videos.


As I wrap up Season One of the podcast, I am grateful for the support and engagement from each and every listener. The success we have achieved together is just the beginning. Season Two promises to be even more rewarding and impactful. In the meantime, don’t forget to catch up on previous episodes and join our free weekly coaching calls. Together, we will continue on the path of personal growth, financial freedom, and success.

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