Why Improvement Offers Fail to Attract Your Customers: E123

I wanted to share my thoughts today on why improvement offers often fail to attract customers. As someone who has been in the industry for quite some time, I’ve noticed that despite investing a significant amount of time and effort into these offers, they don’t always deliver the desired results. In this blog post, I will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide valuable insights on how to overcome these challenges. So, join me as we delve into the world of customer attraction and uncover the secrets to successful improvement offers.

Why Improvement Offers Fail to Attract Your Customers: E123


As a business owner, I understand the importance of attracting customers and boosting profits. Over the years, I have mastered the art of generating targeted traffic and turning businesses into high-earning sales machines. My name is Paul Murphy, and I am here to share with you why improvement offers often fail to attract your customers, and how I offer a new opportunity instead.

The Challenge with Improvement Offers

  1. Setting the Right Expectations

    • Customers have become smart and skeptical. They are tired of empty promises and exaggerated claims.
    • When you focus on improvement offers, you are essentially selling the idea of making something better.
    • However, customers have heard it all before, and they want something fresh and exciting.
  2. Lack of Differentiation

    • Improvement offers often fail because they lack a unique selling proposition.
    • Your customers need to see the value in choosing your product or service over your competitors’.
    • Without a clear point of differentiation, it’s challenging to stand out in a crowded market.
  3. Limited Customer Engagement

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    • Improvement offers can be one-sided, focusing only on what you have to offer.
    • Customers today expect more engagement and a personalized experience.
    • Without a strong connection with your customers, it’s difficult to build trust and loyalty.

The New Way: A Fresh Opportunity

  1. Offering Free Group Coaching

    • I provide 100% free weekly group coaching sessions to my customers.
    • This not only offers tremendous value but also builds a community of like-minded individuals.
    • By offering free coaching, I create a unique opportunity for customers to interact and learn from one another.
  2. Access to a 14-day Free Trial of the Gold Membership

    • I understand the hesitation customers may have when investing in a new product or service.
    • To eliminate this barrier, I offer a 14-day free trial of the Gold membership.
    • This allows customers to experience the full benefits before committing to a purchase.
  3. Turning Businesses into YouTube Sales Machines

    • While I started with SEO, I have discovered the power of ranking YouTube videos.
    • I help businesses optimize their videos for Google rankings and generate targeted traffic.
    • This new approach taps into the growing popularity of video marketing and offers a fresh opportunity for businesses to succeed.
  4. Sharing Unknown Strategies for Powerful Marketing Systems

    • With my expertise, I share unknown strategies for setting up powerful marketing systems.
    • These strategies go beyond the typical improvement offers seen in the market.
    • By providing unique insights, I give businesses a competitive edge.


Improvement offers often fail to attract customers due to setting unrealistic expectations, lack of differentiation, and limited customer engagement. However, there is a new way to approach attracting customers through free group coaching, a 14-day free trial, and focusing on YouTube marketing. By offering a fresh opportunity and sharing unknown strategies, businesses can elevate their success to new heights.


  1. How does free group coaching benefit customers?

    • Free group coaching provides customers with valuable insights and a sense of community.
  2. What are some benefits of offering a 14-day free trial?

    • A free trial allows customers to experience the full benefits of a product or service without financial commitments upfront.
  3. How can YouTube marketing help businesses succeed?

    • YouTube marketing taps into the popularity of videos and helps businesses reach a wider audience.
  4. What are some unknown strategies for powerful marketing systems?

    • Unknown strategies may include unconventional marketing methods that give businesses a competitive edge.
  5. What makes the new opportunity different from improvement offers?

    • The new opportunity offers fresh alternatives and goes beyond the traditional improvement offers seen in the market.

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