Why you should not apply to freelance translation jobs online if you are a beginner

How To Get Rich In The New Economy

The New Economy is called an “Information Economy”, or “Information Society”. It’s about services, not products; marketing, not manufacturing; and sadly, profits, not people.

Help With Choosing Different Business Card Styles

Ordering business cards for yourself or your business can be confusing if you are not familiar with the different styles and types available. This article will run through some of the more common types and attempt to explain each option.

Positioning Your Marketing For Better Results

How you position your product or service is vital to your success, whether you choose to do it proactively or reactively, and by reactively, I mean you don’t do anything at all about your positioning. What then is positioning? Positioning is how you make your product or service appear different to your target audiences’ perception.

Thinking About Establishing a Joint Venture? The Best Way to Approach Potential Partners

One of the best ways to increase your reach to potential clients quickly is by creating a joint venture. Forming partnerships with other successful people can skyrocket your exposure to your ideal clients, build your list and help fill your practice.

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More Clients More Money – 10 Mistakes Coaches Make Getting Further Business From Existing Clients

This article is for all those coaches out there who have corporate clients and don’t know how to win further business with them. It shouldn’t be like this. Coaches have exactly the right skills for building long-term, highly productive relationships with their client companies. They just need to avoid making certain key mistakes and they will instantly be more successful.

Benefits of Working With an Outside Marketing Agency

As marketing budgets become leaner and expectations higher, B2B companies struggle searching for ways to stretch their dollars while still providing the best marketing communications plan that optimizes brand awareness, increases lead generation, and sells products and services. One way is utilizing the services and talents of an outside firm for specific projects, which are managed and directed by one to a few in-house employees. Benefits to working with an outside agency, verses hiring within, include: Focus – Keep your in-house marketing team focused on creating the best strategy by steering marketing programs to line up…

Lessons From The Internet

No other medium has matured as quickly as the web. Even in the midst of continual upgrades, innovations and new avenues of communication, the web continues to offer advertisers unique marketing opportunities.

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