Create a Marketing Plan Today
Promoting and Branding your Business – It’s never too late to start promoting your business and since this is the beginning of a brand new year it’s a perfect opportunity to develop a marketing strategy by using both fresh new ideas and traditional methods that work. With a clear understanding of what your business represents, who your target customer or client is and what you can offer them, your chances of success will be greatly improved. That is not all though.
Top 5 Small Business Marketing BooksThere is certainly no shortage of great marketing books out there, but I thought I would take a shot at putting together my personal top 5. There’s not really a science behind them, they are just the books that I have really enjoyed and learned a lot from.
How to Multiply Your BusinessI’d like to talk to you today about seeing the opportunities that are right in front of you. Price Pritchett has a quote that says “Most people confuse wishing and wanting with pursuing. You must place your trust in action.”
Three Degrees Required To Qualify For A Job In Search Marketing FirmsOne question we hear quite often is on what sorts of qualifications people need to get work in search marketing firms. This article explores the answers to that common question.
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Blog writing is a thing that millions of us should do, sometimes badly, on a very regular basis. We strive to engage a faceless audience and get them interested in something that is of interest to us. How to do it right is very difficult to judge but below are 5 ways of making sure you are never known outside of your living room.
Product Managers Need To Learn That Less Is MoreIf you got a chance to sit down with another product manager and share with them what you thought that they would have to do in order to be successful, what would you tell them? I’m thinking that a lot of us would tell them that they needed to make sure that their product had as many features as was humanly possible to cram in there. This is considered to be part of the product development definition.
The Best Twitter Marketing Software of 2012A roundup of the best must-try software for twitter management and automation of 2012. Intended for online marketing agencies, social media marketers, bloggers, and anyone with a Twitter account.