Write A Blog Post In 10 Minutes? Quick Hack To Write More Posts!

Don’t Fall for the Font Frenzy

Should you use all those fonts on your computer in your marketing communications materials? This article explains why too many fonts is a bad idea… and which fonts you should use more often.

Newsletters – A Lead Source for Your Business

In small business marketing, the cost of advertising is comparatively small and is paid for by the small business. Your job is to look for a market to promote to that will react to you positively so you may earn an income in return. Newsletters may draw in leads to your business. Individuals tend to purchase from authorities in their field. For example, a business may be more disposed to hire a consultant who authors an e-zine than one that simply advertises online.

Market Research in a World of Connected Data: 3 Tips to Always Remember

In a data-connected world, it is impossible to sell your product or service without a market research. Here we give you things to always remember.

How to Turn Business Events Into Content for Successful Content Marketing

In a world where businesses seem to be falling over themselves to capitalize on content, one cannot simply hope to pull an enviable traffic to their business website with a mere handful of great write-ups. A constant stream of good quality content needs to be flowing for consistent results. But how does anyone keep generating quality content forever? Find out.

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A Small Or Midsized Company Marketing Communications Audit – Improving ROI For The Year Ahead

With another new year approaching, you’re probably even more concerned than usual about developing your marketing communications strategy and plan. And who wouldn’t be, with sluggish economic growth, turbulent financial markets, unknown fallout from Brexit, and the exhausting and uncertain election season. We believe that now is the perfect time to take a step back and consider a more thorough evaluation of your program through the use of a marketing communications audit.

Guidelines to Create Quality Logo Designs

Ask as many questions as you can to come up with a good design. If you accept a client’s new logo design project, one of the first steps you need to do is to gather the information about the company, including their type of business, audience they want to target, their goals and how they want viewers to perceive them through their branding. Most designers make use of an online form to ask a couple of questions, whereas others do this by means of a phone call or email.

Reactivating Lost Patients

What if you are working to keep your patients returning but some are being lost? This article gives you ideas on ways to reactivate them.

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