Okay so you want to write a book now What if you're seeing this message it's Probably because I've been frantically Googling how to write a book or how to Publish a book or something along those Lines and after speaking to thousands of Aspiring authors just like yourself I Can probably guess you're feeling a Little overwhelmed and wondering either Where to start what comes next or can I Even do this and that's exactly what I'm Here for my name is Lisa Brown I am a Strategist and a resource specialist Here at self-publishing.com and I help Authors make sense of this process and Go from inspiration through to Implementation and making their author Dreams come true so I'm currently Offering 15 minute free Clarity calls to Help you make a customized plan and Figure out your best next step and I Want to help you become our next success Story that makes their dreams of Becoming a published author a reality so Book with me here I cannot wait to chat With you talk soon
You Want To Write A Book. Congratulations! But, what’s next?