Our Top 5 Tips for a Successful Product Launch
Product launches are a successful marketing strategy that focuses your messaging towards a point of time where there is a new (or improved) release of a new product or service. Successful launches are meticulously planned down to every email and social media post.
Marketing Strategies: Flapping Beyond the Struggle to FlyHow are marketing strategies for your business like geese taking flight? Geese struggle to get off the water, running and flapping to get into the air. Then they fly for a long time – they know the most work, is getting into flight. Let me share the marketing secret with you…
Is the Requirement for Specific Experience Important When You Are Looking for a Sales Agent?As I research the Internet to search for a potential customer for my business, I find that most business owners who advertise in classified ads are looking for someone with specific experience for the domain they’re looking for. Is this the right approach? What really matters to a business owner to know when a sales man needs space for my business?
3 Simple Strategies to Deliver Good Content to Your Targeted AudienceLearn 3 simple strategies that can help you create better content to your audience. Create engagement and attract more followers.
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The most difficult thing most new businesses have to do is automate their client intake process. Seriously, how hard can it be to add an automated system that allows you hands free delivery of products and services your clients buy every single day? For some, this process can be mind-numbingly impossible. For others, the automation offers such a simplifying outcome that the setup is a no brainer.
Leveraging a Hospital Email List to Target Decision-MakersWhen it comes to expanding a client base in the healthcare industry, hospitals are certainly one of the greatest outlets that can provide a significant number of customers to healthcare providers. Targeting such a client base with accurate and responsive Hospital email list will work wonders in favor of the marketers. Also, targeting any healthcare professional might not be of high value as the power of decision-making does not lie in everyone’s hand.
Steps To Getting ANYTHING YouYou’ve heard of the Law of Attraction. If you’re like most marketers, you’ve also poo-poo’d the Law of Attraction, too. After all, it’s just new age hocus pocus malarkey, right? You can’t sit on your duff and attract a new television to yourself.