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How to Increase Referrals – 4 Tips for Powerful Lead Generation

Tom was engaged in building a direct sales company. Although he lived in Florida he made the choice to travel to Mexico to build his business. After several rather expensive trips resulting in limited success and with funds running low he came to a stark realization. He could build his business locally with a smaller investment in time and dollars, hence, greater ROI.

Make Something Happen!

“Nothing is happening!” I have been hearing this from so many entrepreneurs, from all parts of the country. My response right back is ‘What are YOU making happen?”

5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Online Business Sales

Are you in the hunt for creative digital marketing tactics to grow and increase your business sales online? Then, here are top 5 digital marketing policies that you can use to increase your brand’s online sales.

How to Gain and Maintain Customer Loyalty for Your Business

Today, it is almost guaranteed that every business has competition, whether it’s from someone working out of their garage, home, or in a traditional storefront business. The Internet has made it extremely easy to find and compare businesses online, and this means it’s very important to work hard to continue to improve both your promotional methods and your customer service approaches, to gain and maintain stronger customer loyalty for your business. While it is important to generate new customers, it is even more important to maintain strong relationships with the ones you already have, especially in today’s competitive market. In fact, it often costs much less to keep a current customer than it does to gain a new one, or, in the worst case, to try to win back a customer from a competitor. In this article, I will provide tips on how you can optimize your promotional and customer service approaches to convert both of your new and current customers, into loyal ones. Let’s get started.

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Understanding Pricing for Video Production Services

This articles explores how and why custom video productions cost what they do and why there is such pricing variance from one project to the next. The main factor in what drives the final price for a video production project is the creative approach agreed to with a client. This in turn drives the scope of the project and then determines price.

Prospecting for Small Businesses

Gaining clients isn’t an easy task. Especially in this economy, everyone is very cautious on how and where they spend their money. The bad news is that you can never stop prospecting. You must constantly be filling your pipeline with new potential clients. The good news is that there are some things you can do to make sure the referrals and prospects you have are quality and more likely to buy from you.

Recruitment Marketing: How Recruiters Can Use Guest Blogging For Traffic And Visibility

Recruiters who are new to online marketing can often find the whole area a bit confusing. There seem to be so many areas to focus on and so many different types of marketing to experiment with that it can all become too overwhelming.

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