10 Rules for Securing Funding in Mechanical SMC Trading

When securing funding in Mechanical SMC trading, it is essential to follow a set of rules that can greatly impact one’s success in obtaining financial support. Today, we will explore the ten fundamental rules that individuals and businesses should adhere to in their pursuit of funding for Mechanical SMC trading ventures.

10 Rules for Securing Funding in Mechanical SMC Trading


In the world of trading, consistency is key. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, ensuring consistent profitability requires addressing the gap between actual and ideal strategy execution. This review delves into the insights offered in the video by MMFunded on securing funding in mechanical SMC trading. Successful traders understand that minimizing the differences between their actual and ideal strategy execution is crucial for long-term success. Implementing mechanical rules into a trade plan can help bridge this gap effectively.

Understanding the Significance of Mechanical Rules

1. Defining Mechanical Rules:

  • Mechanical rules are predefined criteria that dictate when to enter or exit a trade without relying on subjective judgment.
  • They provide clarity and help eliminate emotional decision-making, which can often lead to costly errors.

2. Importance of Mechanical Rules:

  • Mechanical rules ensure consistency in trading decisions, regardless of market conditions.
  • They help in establishing a structured approach towards trading, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

3. Execution is Key:

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  • The video emphasizes the significance of introducing mechanical rules for trade execution.
  • By following a set of well-defined rules, traders can reduce the gap between their actual and ideal strategy execution.

Implementing Trade Plans Effectively

4. Determining Suitable Trades:

  • A well-defined trading system should determine which trades to take based on predetermined criteria.
  • This approach shifts the focus from impulsive trading to a more systematic and disciplined strategy.

5. Market Independence:

  • Mechanical trading rules enable traders to make decisions independent of emotional influences or market fluctuations.
  • This independence allows for more objective and rational trade executions.

6. Learning the Rules:

  • To learn more about these mechanical rules for funded trading, interested individuals can DM the author the word “rules.”
  • Following the author is necessary to receive these valuable insights into implementing mechanical trading rules effectively.


In conclusion, securing funding in mechanical SMC trading requires adherence to a set of well-defined rules. By minimizing the gap between actual and ideal strategy execution, traders can enhance their profitability and long-term success in the trading world. Implementing mechanical rules not only streamlines the decision-making process but also instills discipline and consistency in trading practices.

FAQs – After The Conclusion

1. How do mechanical rules benefit traders in SMC trading?
Mechanical rules provide clear criteria for entering and exiting trades and minimize emotional decision-making.

2. Why is reducing the gap between actual and ideal strategy execution crucial for traders?
Minimizing this gap ensures consistency and enhances profitability in trading operations.

3. How can one access the mechanical trading rules mentioned in the video?
Interested individuals can DM the author the word “rules” for detailed insights into implementing these rules effectively.

4. What is the importance of following a structured trade plan in SMC trading?
A structured trade plan helps traders make informed decisions based on predefined criteria, leading to more successful outcomes.

5. Why is consistency emphasized in SMC trading for securing funding?
Consistency in trading practices is vital for building credibility and attracting potential funders for trading activities.

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