Why Should You Calculate Market Potential of a Product?
Properly calculating market potential can show you the benefits of taking the product to market and what you can expect to earn, once it is available. There are a number of ways for you to calculate the market potential, including inventor applications, which can be used on your mobile device.
Unraveling the Mystery of MarketingTargeting the right customer-Marketing. Sales. PR. Promotions. Online marketing. Guerilla tactics. Direct response TV. What does it all mean and how do you know which is for you?
Is Green Really Publicity Worthy?Developing a green or environmentally responsible product is an important contribution to the planet, but is it really a central marketing opportunity? I meet so many entrepreneurs who feel that the “green” aspect of their product is going to be the secret weapon to make it newsworthy — and even shelf worthy. Though it once was a defining differentiation factor, being green is no longer something that truly makes a product unique and it’s not something that makes a product newsworthy.
My Two-Step Approach to Handle Drop OutsWhen you offer programs that stretch over six months to a year, you will encounter clients who want to drop out. Frequently, money is cited as the reason. What’s behind this excuse is usually one of two things. Occasionally, clients are not experiencing the value they anticipated, but this is not common.
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Want to attract more customers? Convert the ones who are engaging with you? Build an even bigger brand? Do this marketing spring clean and you’ll reap the seeds you sow!
Business and Social Media – A Few Interesting FactsWhile the figures shown here were compiled in the latter half of 2013, they provide a good sense of why Facebook and Twitter marketing are so important for companies everywhere. Facebook Business: Currently regarded as the leading Social Network, Facebook offers businesses the opportunity to reach out to billions of potential customers. Here are some of the figures showing how important this network really is to companies…
5 Reasons Why Companies Run Sweepstakes and ContestsA company runs a promotion or prize giveaway for a variety of positive reasons. This can offer a win-win situation for both the companies involved and participants playing the games. A company can host the sweepstake to make a profit and gain new customers. The person taking part has the opportunity to win the fantastic prizes offered.