Top 3 Things Every Small Business Must Do
When talking to people about how things are going in their business, I have discovered some common tasks. People who have successful businesses are doing certain things on a regular basis that appear to be similar.
4 Best Practices For Comparing Market Channel PerformanceOne of the biggest questions facing any marketing department, is “what methods do we use for comparing marketing channel performance?” In other words, how can we tell which of our investments in marketing, be it television or radio ads, direct mail, online pay per click or content ads, or any number of other marketing channels, is performing at the highest level for the lowest cost. Marketing teams in companies the world over use various methods of evaluating the KPIs or key performance indicators of their marketing channels. Here are five best practices for comparing.
How To Generate Great Customer Testimonials For Your Small BusinessWhat’s the best way to get customer testimonials to promote your small business? Here’s how to use customer satisfaction surveys to generate great testimonials that actually build a case for your business and help distinguish you from your competitors.
The Beginner’s Guide to Marketing StrategyMarketing strategy is an effective and resourceful way to push your business to the next level. With a clear marketing strategy, goals and milestones become easier to reach.
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Of all the business building strategies I’ve seen my clients use, there’s one that’s nearly universally used by the most successful, and not so much by the less successful. I’d even go so far as to say that it’s played a significant role in the successful businesses getting so successful.
Time For A New Marketing Approach?If you’re not getting the results you need, should you try an entirely new marketing approach? This article explains why that may not make sense.
Using Futuristic Sales Techniques to Boost Marketing Concepts and Improve SalesIn today’s modern world, the concept of advertising too has changed beyond recognition; the current trend is towards digital campaigns, which have been shown to yield excellent results for the clients. Technology has advanced to such an extent that marketing managers can monitor every minute detail about the returns and results from their digital strategy.