Is National Electrical Code Compliance Required for LED Signs?
The National Electrical Code (NEC) is an important document standardizing electrical system installations and strongly influencing local building codes for proper LED sign installation. Learn why compliance with NEC standards is essential for safety for business owners with LED signs.
Content Marketing Boosts Customer Loyalty As Well As Generating LeadsIn previous articles I have discussed how easy it is to focus too heavily on the top 3% of your target market and suggested ways in which you can increase that spotlight to include that huge majority (97%!) who never seem to get approached by your sales or marketing team.
Product Managers: The Fight’s Not Over Until It’s OverAs product managers, our job is to do everything in our power to make sure that our product is a success. It would be a wonderful world if only our potential customers would come to us and ask us to please sell them our product. However, it rarely happens that way. Instead, more often than not customers issue Requests For Proposals (RFPs) and we’re invited to submit a proposal along with several other vendors. I was recently involved in an RFP process and it went very, very badly…
Retargeting – The Secret to Expansive Market ReachThe marketing landscape is forever changing and everyday there is a new technique or tactic that you read about as the ‘it’ thing to do. Although this is not new, one marketing strategy business should definitely take a good look at is retargeting. Retargeting campaigns are highly-focused and cost-effective marketing efforts that can help your business persuade interested customers to buy your products or services, as well as continually expand your market reach.
*>*> Newly Released Set-It & Forget-It Passive Income Strategy...!
In most markets there are a number of dominant ‘go to’ companies buyers flock to. Taking on these entrenched competitors head on can be a bruising experience. But there’s a better way involving re-positioning the marketing…
Why Marketing Research is Important for Gathering BusinessA Marketing Research Company is important for gathering Business Intelligence for paving the Path of Success for new product launch or business launch or a re-launch. It can help you move your brand from where it currently stands to where you want it to be.
The Millennial ClientThe Millennial Generation has arrived and they are hotly pursued. Millennials represent the future and everyone wants a piece of the 21 – 35 year-old market segment. While prospecting, you may have encountered a Millennial gatekeeper, the boss’s young assistant. Those in their early thirties are also increasingly in the role of decision-maker, so it’s time to make sure that your marketing message and sales strategy are appropriately tailored to what resonates.