Marketing – Ways To Assess Your Marketing Efforts When It Seems They’re Not Working
You’ve been marketing your service business like crazy, spending hours, weeks and months of concerted effort. Where is the new business? What’s wrong? Why isn’t it working? You’re getting disheartened, and you’re not sure what to do next. It seems like a waste of time, effort and expense to market so hard and not get any results. It’s time to sit back and assess your marketing efforts and see what you can learn.
Marketing – What Can You Realistically Expect From Your Marketing Activities?Most business owners who embark on a marketing campaign have unrealistic expectations about the results they are aiming for. Expecting to have a rush of new business and prospects demanding to become clients is not realistic. Expecting to have prospects contacting you to ask about your services is much more likely. While we all would love to have marketing campaigns that automatically deposit new business on our door step, that doesn’t take into account the fact that prospects need to have an “up close and personal” encounter with you before they will seriously consider becoming a client.
Marketing – How Do You Know That Your Marketing Activities Are Successful?When we market our services, we always expect that we’ll have hoards of new clients demanding to do business with us. While that’s a delightful fantasy, it’s very unlikely to happen. What can you expect to happen and how can you figure out why that is not happening. Here are some ideas about what you can expect of a successful marketing campaign to sell your services.
If You Aren’t Attracting Your Target Market, You Don’t Know Enough About Who They AreIf you are struggling to attract new business, and you’re not getting the attention of your target market, it probably means that you don’t know enough about who they are. If your marketing writing and website writing are not specifically targeted to your market, they won’t pay attention. Of course, if you can’t get their attention, you certainly cannot win them as clients. If your business is not attracting new clients regularly, it’s because you don’t know enough about your target market. Here are some of the things you must know about your target market and describe in your marketing writing and website writing.
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Marketing is the life blood of your service business. Without marketing, your business is unlikely to continue to exist. You must market to bring in new clients. Of course, marketing takes you away from time to perform the services you get paid for, so you may even consider it an annoying “waste of time”. You may even resent the necessity of marketing, and have a whole arsenal of avoidance techniques.
Website Writing – What Is It About Your Site That Prevents Your Target Market From Reading More?We all know that it is a big project to do the website writing to sell your services. It can take days, weeks, even months and more to put together all the information about your business. Then, you must put it in “marketing language” that can sell interested prospects on contacting you. Perhaps, despite your best efforts, you can see from your website analytics that you have not succeeded in getting site visitors to stay on your Home page long enough to learn anything. Nor have you intrigued prospects enough that they go on to read other pages (or all) of your site.
Tips to Choose the Best Explainer Video CompanyAn explainer video accomplishes your goals in a way other communication methods can’t – it’s instructive and entertaining all at once. So, here are a few tips to choose the best explainer video company to market your business.