You Have to Market BEFORE You Sell
Over 80% of entrepreneurs make this mistake. And they can lose the same amount in business. What have they done? They’ve confused marketing with selling!
Do You Want More Clients?If you want to attract more clients on or offline, you need to create an action plan. This is where most Biz owners start cringing. We’ve been brainwashed that marketing’ is a nasty word and it isn’t, not when you do it my way. Welcome to the Inspiration Age.
Anyone Can Be Successful With These Mobile Marketing TipsWith the increasingly widespread use of mobile devices like cell phones, smart phones and tablets, mobile marketing campaigns that make use of these devices are growing in popularity. If you are interesting in taking advantage of such a campaign to promote your business, this article can give you the advice you need to get started.
Marketing – Don’t Overlook the BasicsThere are some basic marketing concepts to brand a product or service. This article addresses these basic concepts in a logical progression.
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Calculating market value for any product is important, but for a new invention it can prove to be a necessity. Before investing in the patent process and prototype manufacturing process, it makes sense to understand the type of return for these efforts and expense.
Three Easy Steps to Develop Your USPWe have seconds to capture the attention of a potential customer. Can you deliver your message in less time than it takes to send a text?
What To Expect From The Latest In Event Marketing TechnologiesFor some time now, technological developments are revolutionizing the marketing landscape. Event marketing companies everywhere have been using technological support in order to get the best from their campaigns and ensure the best impressions on their target market. It is changing everything related to company and consumer interaction, including service promotions and product introductions.