My Single Best Tip for Better Marketing Results
Marketing can get pretty complex, with a lot of moving parts. Before you even get to that stage, make sure your foundation is solid.
Top 10 Content Marketing ToolsContent marketing tools will help you to know many content marketing technologies and the tools that are available to find the best for your needs. In this article we are giving the top 10 content marketing tools that you should be using to boost the performance of your campaigns.
Online Mobile Panels: Market Research in the Mobile WorldMarket research is changing, and smart businesses are seizing the opportunity to use smartphones to gather data in a timely, efficient way. There are two options when conducting market research in the mobile world: in-app surveys and mobile-optimized surveys that are housed on a webpage and accessed from a smartphone. We have compiled a list of reasons why mobile panels online are the future of market research.
5 Easy Steps To Getting Speaking Gigs Like An ExpertOne of the best ways to present yourself as an expert is through speaking from the stage. When you are standing behind the microphone presenting your ideas, thoughts and opinions, you will have an audience expecting and wanting you to share your knowledge. Speaking from the stage is a great platform for you to represent your brand, products and services. If you want to have speaking engagements as part of your plans for your business, here are 5 ways to get gigs.
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So you have a great product that you have worked hard to turn into a business. You have created a great looking website and posted all over social media to let people know that you are officially in business… and… you are only getting a trickle of customers. How is this happening?!
Brand Loyalty & Retention Rate RelationshipBrand loyalty increases customer retention rate. Customer retention rate is an important factor to determine business growth and strength. Brand loyalty and customer retention have an established relationship. Business brands are now using customer retention strategies & personalized content to drive customers to increase engagement & improve digital experience.
Who’s Hiding in Your List?Why it’s important to build a customer database. Build a three-dimensional database and you not only have a ready-made customer base, you also have access to expertise, referral partners and much more. This is for business owners who think it takes too much of their valuable time to create and manage databases, while spending their time and energy chasing the next customer.