Important Considerations For Creating And Using Business Logos
Business logos are important for branding activities. Your company’s logo represents not only your brand but also provides a way for your customers to connect with your business. A logo can offer marketing opportunities at every step. This is why logo designs and signage are of tremendous importance for businesses.
Reasons Why You Need A Mobile Marketing StrategyMobile marketing undoubtedly unlocks the powerful opportunities for you and help you scale new heights in the market. It is one of the most powerful weapons that turn the table without taking so much time.
What Are Your Digital Marketing Challenges? Here Are Our Top 5 (and Some Solutions Too!)We’re already at the end February (and the countdown to spring is on!). If you’re like most small business owners, you kicked off January with a new and improved plan for your business, and most likely that included marketing to new prospects and collecting leads.
Becoming an Influencer in Your IndustryInfluencers bring credibility (beyond the credibility that you have established yourself for your business) that only they can bring. With credibility comes trust and a position at the top of the food chain as subject matter expert.
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Our culture is really good at selling us the “easy road.” There are all sorts of ways to make your life easier, supposedly.
Using the Marketing Mix to Maximize Customer ReturnsThe traditional marketing mix used by businesses comprised of 4 key elements thought to be vital to the success of any business. However, with the passage of time and the variations in the kind of products and services offered, there are 7 key elements today in the marketing mix that require constant evaluation to ensure the best possible results.
Let’s Play The Marketing GameMarketers, like most professionals, find their work a mental challenge – not unlike playing chess or other games of strategy and tactics. A favorite mental game that marketers play is called “How would I do it?” Want to play?