How Is This $1,000,000 Shopify Store CRUSHING It?

The Real Wolf of Wall Street Shares His Selling Secrets

The Wolf Of Wall Street Martin Scorsese’s great movie called “The Wolf Of Wall Street” tells the story of Jordan Belfort, a Wall Street broker that came to New York with the dram of becoming rich and after some ups and downs he becomes a successful businessman running his own business that was promising both his clients and employees the they will get rich quick. What only few know about this movie is that the movie is inspired from a real story. The REAL Wolf Of Wall Street On 9th of…

What You Must Know About Print to Avoid Losing Money

Have you heard the phrase, “Print is dead?” Don’t you believe it! In fact, printed business material is still as powerful as it ever was – perhaps more. Why? Because when you tie the power of persuasive copywriting to something they can hold in their hands – you make a personal connection. Read this article and learn what you need to know about print and how you could be losing revenue!

The Secret To Creating A Customer-Facing Product Roadmap

I like having customers. You like having customers. In fact, once we get a customer we sure would like to hang on to them. The problem is that our customers always want our products to do more, more, more for them. What this means is that we always need to be adding new features and capabilities to our products. Where things can get a bit tricky is when it comes to just exactly how we tell our existing and prospective customers about what new features are coming and when they will arrive.

Operations And Strategy in ‘Lifestyle’ Business

Thinking about operations and strategy in “Lifestyle” business. Ask yourself: what is YOUR lifestyle business?

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The Importance of Team Effort in New Product Development

Developing a new product, technology, or solution isn’t exactly an easy task. There are so many things to do, costly errors to avoid, and significant research to perform. Not to mention, with the consumers getting more informed, product designers have to respond by refining their products to meet the exact needs and expectations of the consumers.

Neuromarketing – The Latest Concept in the World of Marketing and Advertisement

What is neuromarketing, how is it used by advertising and marketing professionals and what are its potential benefits and pitfalls? Every business has one basic purpose: to make profits. For making profits, the business needs to sell more of its goods and services. The neuromarketing concept allows you to understand the ways in which the mind of a consumer works, and the ways of unlocking their behavior patterns when it comes to buying.

Outsourcing to a Marketing Company Vs Employing In-House

So, you’re thinking about outsourcing your marketing. You invite two or three potential suppliers into see you, all of which provide you with a quote… and then at some point you start asking yourself whether you should employ someone in-house instead.

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