How to Promote your Self Published Book | 2021

Not Asking for Directions When You Know You Are Lost

Struggling to effectively market your small business without seeking help makes about as much sense as not going to the doctor when you are gravely ill. But it happens all the time. If you want to do more business and make more money you must get past your own stubborn behavior. Find out how…

How to Improve Holiday Sale Conversion Rates

Holiday sales are key for virtually all retailers. Here are some ways to improve the odds in making conversions with your marketing campaigns during these times.

How to Create Viral Marketing Campaigns

Making a marketing campaign go viral can be difficult, but not impossible. Here are some tips that can help.

Help Someone Else!

One of the best ways to grow your business and get what you want is to help someone else get what they want. Seriously. That’s how it really works.

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Making It Share-Worthy

Any marketer knows that writing informative and engaging content is the first step to making content share-worthy. But, how to actually do it is the bigger question and then what are guidelines for sharing content?

3 C’s of Marketing

There are 3 C’s that are important in marketing, Customer retention, customer development and customer acquisition. As a business owner when you are planning your marketing budget having an understanding of these 3 c’s and which one you need to focus on is imperative! Let’s look at each of these separately.

The Slumber Zone: Smothering Innovation and Digital Strategy Killer

Have you ever had a friend who came to you with a problem, you helped them identify the issues, confirmed the errors of their ways, helped create a solution for them to stop the problem and then watched as they did the same thing that got them into trouble in the first place? We call this tragic when it’s personal, lazy when it’s business, and in the world of digital strategy, we call it deadly. Welcome to the Slumber Zone.

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