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Marketing Strategies for Your Business

Here are some marketing strategies that I have learned from my coaches over over the years, I hope you will find them useful – they work. Who are your clients, Where are they, Understanding them, offering Value, Relevance, Compelling them to buy.

G’day USA – Australia Week – 10 Years of Celebrating Australia in the USA

January 2013 marks the tenth year of the biggest annual promotion of Australian excellence in the United States of America – G’day USA, Australia Week. It was only meant to last 2 – 3 years. The celebrity Gala dinner in Hollywood has always been a high-profile part of the program. But 10 years on it is clear that G’day USA is so much more than one great marketing event.

Business Marketing – How to Get Noticed Without Breaking the Bank

It’s a new year and a new chance to revamp our marketing plans. With the economy threatening to tank, keeping our businesses afloat will be a challenge, more this year than previously. So, I have decided to focus on how to publicize our businesses, products, services, books and ebooks at little or no cost.

Picking a Package for Your Product

Picking a package for any given product obviously includes some aesthetic components. However, stopping your analysis at the visual component can be a costly mistake.

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The Numbers Don’t Lie – Learn How to Market Your Business Correctly

Learn how to market your business in 2013! Build your most successful marketing campaign with the top 4 most effective marketing strategies. The numbers don’t lie so why should we?

Vehicle Stickers – Designing Them To Suit Your Marketing Stint

Vehicle stickers have long been used by car owners for varied purposes. In the early times, they are merely utilized for decoration. But nowadays, they are primarily utilized for advertisements. This is because many entrepreneurs have discovered the wonders of using cars for their marketing plans. Obviously, cars are mobile. They can reach out to all kinds of audiences with in a day. They can even get the attention of other motorists and people walking on the streets when they are designed attractively.

The Five Habits Affecting Your Lead Generation Campaign

As it has been said before, what you think or do actually affects the way you handle your lead generation campaign. And you need to keep a wary eye against the negative ones. What are these?

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