Achieve Anything with My Seven-Step ‘Goal Post’ System [E124]

I have always been fascinated by the power of setting goals and achieving them. Throughout my life, I have used various strategies and techniques to stay focused and motivated on my path to success. Today, I am excited to share with you a seven-step system that has been incredibly effective for me – the ‘Goal Post’ system. With this system, I firmly believe that anyone can achieve anything they set their mind to. So, join me as I walk you through each step of this transformative process, and let’s unlock your true potential together. Get ready to take massive action and turn your dreams into reality!

Achieve Anything with My Seven-Step ‘Goal Post’ System


Hello there! I’m Paul Murphy, and I’m here to guide you towards achieving your goals and conquering addictions with my seven-step ‘Goal Post’ system. I have developed a simple yet effective roadmap that will help you overcome any obstacles standing in your way. Let’s dive into the process and discover the power of this system together.

Stage One: Three Days

To kickstart your journey towards achieving your goals or breaking free from addiction, the first stage is crucial. This three-day period requires dedication, focus, and determination. During this time, you’ll need to establish your commitment and set a strong foundation for the steps ahead.

Stage Two: Three Weeks

After successfully completing the initial three days, you’ll proceed to the second stage: three weeks of consistent effort. This stage requires discipline and perseverance, as you work towards forming new habits and replacing old ones. Remember, it takes time for change to take root, so stay committed and trust the process.

Stage Three: Three Months

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the three-month mark. This stage signifies a significant milestone on your journey. By this point, your newfound habits and mindset will be well-established, and you’ll start noticing positive changes in your life. Keep pushing forward and stay motivated!

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Stage Four: One Year

As you reach the one-year mark, you’ll notice remarkable progress. The fourth stage signifies a full year of dedication, hard work, and personal growth. Celebrate your achievements, reflect on how far you’ve come, and remember that your journey doesn’t end here.

Stage Five: Three Years

By now, the changes you’ve implemented and the goals you’ve accomplished have become a natural part of your life. The fifth stage marks three years of persistence and determination. You are a living testament to the power of the ‘Goal Post’ system, and your success inspires others to follow in your footsteps.

Stage Six: Five Years

As you enter the sixth stage, five years have passed since you started your journey. You’ve overcome challenges, achieved goals, and developed valuable skills along the way. Your dedication and resiliency have led you to incredible growth and success. Embrace your accomplishments and continue striving for greatness.

Stage Seven: Ten Years

Finally, the seventh stage. A decade has passed, and you stand at the pinnacle of achievement. You have transformed your life, conquered your addictions, or reached the goals you set out to achieve. The ‘Goal Post’ system has not only helped you realize your dreams but has also empowered you to help others on their own journeys.

I offer 100% free weekly group coaching

To support you throughout your journey, I offer 100% free weekly group coaching sessions. These sessions provide you with additional guidance, motivation, and a sense of community. Together, we will navigate the ups and downs, celebrating victories and supporting each other through challenges.

Join the Gold membership for more benefits

For those seeking even more personalized support and exclusive resources, I invite you to join the Gold membership. This premium option grants you access to private coaching sessions, tailored guidance, and additional tools to accelerate your progress.


Achieving your goals and breaking free from addictions is within your reach. With my seven-step ‘Goal Post’ system, you can transform your life and create the future you’ve always dreamed of. Remember, the journey may not always be easy, but by following these stages and staying committed, you’ll emerge stronger than ever before.


  1. How long does each stage of the ‘Goal Post’ system last?
  2. Is the system suitable for any goal or addiction?
  3. Can I join the free weekly group coaching sessions at any time?
  4. What additional benefits does the Gold membership offer?
  5. Are there success stories from individuals who have completed the seven-step system?

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