Why Are Audio and Video Such an Integral Element of a Successful Marketing Schematic?
When communicating with a market, companies should utilize many different mediums. This helps to extend the reach of marketing efforts as well is appealing to prospects on different levels. Audio and video are an integral part of successful marketing efforts because they add a level of professionalism, enrichment, and engagement to any campaign.
Killing 3 Birds With 1 Stone in Social MediaThere are more than one strategies one can use in social media that will still help achieve multiple goals. Did you know that a customer-service strategy could increase sales, lower costs and provide great PR?
Lots Of Social Media Choices, But Which Ones Work For Product Managers?After you get done creating your product development definition, should you be spending your time on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or should you be off in a corner somewhere tweeting about why everyone should buy your product? Good news, I’ve got the answers and I’m going to share them with you…
Generation X: The Caring ConsumerMembers of Generation X are the ones born between 1967 and 1980 – between the two very large and dominant generations – Baby Boomers and Generation Y. What this means is that they are not only the ‘lost generation’ or the ‘boom echo’ (by being the ones born after the Boomers) but because they are so small, they tend to be ignored by sales and marketing efforts. Yet this cohort is currently of the age and socioeconomic status to be a major consumer group, one actively involved in making major purchases such as homes and cars. How can marketers attract this group to their products and services?
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The statistics don’t lie- Direct mail is still very much a viable form in marketing. In fact, the ubiquity of digital marketing is not the death of direct mail, but instead highlights it’s advantages. But all the stats and figures doesn’t guarantee that your direct mail campaign will be a success. Whether you’re running your first campaign or your hundredth, these 5 tips can help you improve your return on investment almost immediately.
Point of Sale Promotions and How to Use ThemUsing special offers and promotions can help bring in new customers. Direct mail, door hangers and printable coupons from a website work great to provide a way for customers to get these specials. Many of these coupons are designed to bring in new clients.
Sourcing Marketing LeadsBusinesses of all types need a healthy source of marketing leads in order to grow, but where do you find them? Marketing and telemarketing sales leads can come from a variety of sources, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Using a blend of marketing lead sources can provide you with variety as you start marketing your business.