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The Top 3 Mistakes All Senior Businesses Make

Most senior market businesses use the same old tactics from decades ago. And they worked then. But not necessarily now. Trying to reach the elderly directly may be the wrong way to go. You need to understand exactly who a senior is and where they find information. And it may not be the internet.

How to Become More Client Attractive and Business Magnetic When Promoting Yourself and Your Services

Today, I’d like to talk about how to become more client attractive and business magnetic when promoting yourself and your services. Building a business is a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical journey, where you learn, grow, expand and evolve both personally and professionally all the time in every moment, every day, every week, every month, every year.

Get More Interaction on Facebook With 3 Tips for Quality Posts

Facebook makes changes, again, to their algorithm. But this time it will be a benefit to you, if you use social media for business and post quality content. Now some people do not how to dissect a post to make sure they are delivering the quality that will create the success they seek. So here are 3 tips to help.

Social Media Marketing: Reaping the Benefits of Social Networking in the Modernized Consumer Society

Social media has changed the marketing strategies that most companies employ. While some have upgraded, others have gone ahead to change their total focus to accommodate the new principles that social media marketing has brought. The benefits of social media marketing to businesses are immense and worth looking at.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

The term marketing basically refers to informing about the value, use, benefits and advantages of the product to the customer or buyer. Marketing is divided into 2 categories direct marketing and indirect marketing.

Do Your Clients Feel Like They Are Just a Number?

When clients don’t feel appreciated, then the only thing that separates you from another business that does just what you do is price. Those good intentions to send regular thank you notes or a holiday gift are just as important to your business growth as income-producing activities. Client appreciation is the key to client retention and it is an important marketing strategy. If you don’t have time to follow through on your good intentions, find someone who can help you do that.

5 Tips to Quickly Gain the Trust of Your Subscribers

Gaining the trust of your customers is essential to any business. If there is no trust, there is no sales. The following article briefly outlines 5 ways to gain customer’s trust.

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