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5 Reasons Content Marketing Rocks

Content marketing has been closing the marketing gap between small and large businesses. In the past, larger corporations could have boasted about having an advantage over smaller businesses primarily because they dominated radio, television, and print media with their huge budgets. Lately, the advantage that bigger businesses possess has lessened. A major contributor to the shift or reduction in the marketing gap has been content marketing.

Marketing – How Does Budget Figure Into Your Choice of a Target Market?

When a business is putting together the details of their target market, one factor that tends to get distorted is the issue of the budget of the target market. It’s easy to allow compassion to cloud our judgment, and cause us to aim for a market that cannot afford to pay what our services are worth. Another major problem of target market budget is our idea of a “fantasy budget” – imagining the market willing to spend on something they don’t see as valuable. Let’s look at some of the issues in marketing where it’s necessary to consiter the budget of your market.

Marketing Writing – Five Questions You Must Answer for Your Target Market So They Will Decide To Buy

Marketing writing must answer five questions for your target market, if you want them to decide to buy your services. Without the answers to these questions, your prospects will not have the information they need to make their buying decision. Be sure that your marketing writing clearly lets your target market know what they need to know, by answering the following questions.

Marketing – What Is A Qualified Prospect For Your Business?

When you’re in the process of marketing your services, it’s necessary that you understand what a qualified prospect is for your business. In order to make the most effective use of your marketing time and marketing writing, you must be able to distinguish qualified prospects. If you expect to attract new clients, you must understand the difference between a qualified and non-qualified prospect.

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Marketing and Patience – Why and How You Can Be Patient Until Your Marketing Efforts Bring Results?

Marketing is one of those business activities most prone to our being impaient. We want results immediately, and for every single marketing activity we take. It’s easy for us to get into a funk when some marketing action we’ve taken hasn’t brought any new business. It’s even easier to get totally discouraged when multiple marketing efforts appear to be fruitless. Unfortunately, marketing requires endless patience, trials, successes, and failures.

Marketing – How Do You Know If You’re Aiming At The Right Target Market?

If you’re having doubts about your target market, or find that your target market is not responding to your marketing, ask yourself if you are aiming at the right target market. It may be that it is time to refine your target and be sure that you’ve defined it sharply and effectively. Here are some questions to ask yourself about your market that can help you determine if you are aiming at the right target market.

Marketing Writing – How Are Business Strategy and Writing Connected?

You are struggling to put together a business strategy for your service business. You’re new to strategic planning, or simply unsure about the seemingly erratic nature of the current market. You don’t get that there is a connection between your marketing writing and putting together a business strategy. They seem like two entirely different activities and you can’t connect the two.

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