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Cool Places You Can Find Different Kinds Of Coupons

Most people already know the importance of using promo codes and coupons to save on big on their shopping. The problem is that most shoppers do not understand various types of coupon codes, let alone where they can find them. The truth is that there are plenty of places to be on the lookout for various kinds of coupons, and these include: Manufacturer coupon: Manufacturers issue these kinds of coupons as a way of advertising and enticing consumers to purchase from their brand.

The Ins and Outs of Local SEO

To boost your website’s visitor traffic, why not go for website design and local SEO Search? These two, aside from its increasing popularity, has a lot of benefits and quirks in store for budding local businesses needing the necessary boost.

Do You Need Both a Newsletter and a Blog?

To attract clients, your blog and newsletter serve very different purposes. Obviously, the ezine is delivered by email and is created for outreach marketing. You are sending information directly to people who have subscribed which is like them saying, “Yes, I want to stay in touch with you and get your information.”

Is Your Business Card Crammed Full From Edge to Edge?

There are business cards out there with more words than the New Testament squeezed on both front and back. Tons and tons of contact information and scads of sales pitches all over the back. But the really good ones, the ones that work hard are crammed with white space.

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The Marketing Two-Step, Part II

In this conclusion to The Marketing Two-Step, I continue to outline ways that you can create top-selling products and products. It all boils down to knowing your prospects so well that you understand exactly what they want.

The Do’s and Don’ts in Designing Websites

When it comes to building and creating websites, how knowledgeable are you about it? This article gives you some basic tips when handling and designing pages to bring in the right amount of traffic your site needs.

How Ongoing Nurturing Can Increase Customer Retention

Nurturing is important in customer relationships. You can do small things every time you interact with clients. You can send things in the mail to touch your client’s heart. Nurturing should be done on an ongoing basis to build your business relationships. The key to client retention is strengthening relationships by nurturing.

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