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Experience The Difference: Experiential Marketing

“Hands-on” experiences shape our preferences even more profoundly than what we see or hear in advertising. Why is this, and how can your website or mobile app assist you in bringing your product to potential customers for them to directly experience?

How Online Search Works: Google Search Algorithm and Manual Indexing Explained

The majority of those using the internet are also using Google Search, but very few actually know how Google Search actually works: are they doing everything automatically within their Google search algorithm or do they also have a manual indexing system? This article looks closely at how the most popular search engine in the world manages to find millions of results and to order them according to their relevance.

How Roadmaps Can Prevent Product Managers From Getting Lost

What is going to make your product different than everyone else’s in 5 years? If you can’t answer these questions, then perhaps you either don’t have a product roadmap or the one that you have isn’t doing its job. In either case, it looks like we need to do something about that…

Good Website Design Is Crucial to an Effective Digital Marketing Plan

Your website design is critical to the success in using digital marketing as part of your marketing plan. In his book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly effective People’, Steven Covey reveals habit number two to be ‘Begin with the End in Mind’, so that’s where you will start, be clear on what you want your visitor to do, when they visit your website!

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Easy Money Means Not So Easy Preparation!

The Sales letter said it would be easy. So I signed up. Immediately the firm bombarded me with suggestions that it would only be easy if I bought their “upgrades” – expensive items which came down through a kind of funnel system with the narrow end at my initial subscription.

Dealership Marketing, Making Your Internet Presence All Work Together

Many years ago, on The Ed Sullivan Show, I saw an act where the guy got 8 plates spinning on sticks up in the air while meanwhile on the table he had other plates spinning on the table top. As the act went on he had to keep them going while doing other tricks and of course he had to get it all up and running too. Setting up the internet marketing campaign for your dealership and getting it all to work together is a bit like that.

Pull Up Banner Ad Stands For Effectiveness

In the current business world, every businessman will have to deliver presentations at least once in the process of developing their organization. Generally, marketing forms an important part in any organization and even when a businessman is not marketing something, he should have a platform for promoting the message that he intends to pass on to the intended audience.

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