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Perfecting Your Target Market

Generally speaking, businesses target markets are nearly always too wide. This is perhaps a reflection on how positive we all are in and around our businesses. We want our products and services to appeal to everybody, so we naturally set our target market wider in order to catch more people.

Where Passion and Small Business Intersect – And How You Can Profit From It

The creator of Flip Video, Jonathan Kaplan, is now starting a chain of shops that sell grilled cheese sandwiches of all kinds. At first I thought it a bit odd, until Jonathan talked about people’s natural reactions to growing up eating grilled cheese sandwiches.

Get Better Results From Your Marketing Calendar When You Add Affordable Giveaways

Quarterly sales, press releases, and plans for display ads probably make up the bulk of your marketing calendar. While these are all important elements that do increase sales, do any of them really make your brand more memorable to your ideal customer? For long-lasting impressions, consider including a few pieces that will endure even after your promotion is over.

Are You Stuck?

Feeling a little ‘blah’ these days? Stuck behind your computer, not sure what to do next? This seems to be the time of year when people are feeling a little down – or stuck – or have some ‘paralysis analysis’. Is that you?

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Making a Trade Show Successful Through the Perfect Display Rental

To keep a business open, you often need to introduce yourself to new customers. This is often accomplished through a trade show, where the various aspects of the business are demonstrated through the uses of various forms of media. The best way to demonstrate your business to potential customers is through a display rental, which can be customized to meet your business needs.

What Makes Bannerstands Such A Cost Effective Marketing Tool?

Bannerstands remain one of the most widely-used and coveted trade show display options among businesses of every size in nearly every industry. So, what makes these simple marketing event staples so effective?

Product Managers Need To Make The Product Purchase Process Perfect

As product managers, we have a responsibility to our potential customers to make the product identification, selection, and purchasing process as easy as possible. However, all too often we seem to get caught up in trying to use the latest wiz-bang marketing tools that we’ve just read about and we can lose sight of just exactly how our customers go about the process of purchasing our product…

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