Earning $120k Part-Time as a Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide

We are excited to share with you our comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to earn $120k part-time as a coach. Follow along as we walk you through proven strategies and valuable tips to help you achieve financial success in the coaching industry.

Earning $120k Part-Time as a Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide


Howdy, folks! Today we got something mighty exciting to discuss – a juicy review of a video by the renowned Paul Murphy. In this video, we delved deep into the realm of setting up efficient marketing systems, pricing services just right, and turning that consistent traffic into profits. So, sit back, relax, and let’s break it all down for ya!

Setting Up Powerful Marketing Systems:

  1. Listen to Paul Murphy’s Podcast: You betcha we can learn a ton from Paul’s podcast on crafting these marketing powerhouses. It’s like having a mentor whispering golden nuggets of advice right into our ears.

  2. Consistent Traffic & Profits: Paul spills the beans on how to transform that traffic flow into a steady stream of greenbacks. Talk about turning clicks into cash!

Pricing Strategies for Online Coaching Services:

  1. The 10x Rule: According to Paul, when it comes to pricing services, it ain’t about slapping a random number. It’s about pricing ’em at a whopping 10 times what the client sees as the service’s value. Now, that’s a kicker!

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  2. Starting Strong: Paul suggests kickin’ off your coaching services pricing at a bold $5,000. Yup, you read that right! Aim high, earn big is the name of the game.

  3. Six-Figure Income: Wranglin’ two clients a month at this rate? Well, partner, that’s your ticket to a hefty six-figure income ridin’ in faster than a wild stallion at sunset.

Determining True Value:

  1. Ultimate Outcome: Paul’s wise words ring true – reckon on the ultimate outcome and value your service provides. It ain’t just ’bout the hours put in; it’s ’bout the life-changin’ results your clients walk away with.

  2. Desired Outcomes: When settin’ those prices, focus on the outcomes your clients desire. It ain’t just ’bout the service itself; it’s ’bout the journey and results they’re payin’ for.


Wrappin’ it all up, folks, Paul Murphy’s video ain’t just a watch; it’s a roadmap to $120k haul part-timin’ as a coach. From marketin’ wizardry to pricin’ prowess, this guide’s got all you need to ride off into the sunset of success. So, saddle up, cowboys and cowgirls, and let’s price ’em services like a true wrangler!


  1. How can I determine the right price for my coaching services?
  2. What are the benefits of applying the 10x pricing strategy?
  3. Is it essential to focus on the ultimate outcome when setting prices for services?
  4. How many clients should I aim to work with monthly to reach a six-figure income?
  5. What role do desired outcomes play in pricing online coaching services effectively?

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